Don''t Think Abt The

Don''t Think Abt The
Don''t Think Abt The Past It Brings Tearz

Dont Think Abt The Future It Brings Fearz

Just Think And Live The Presnt
It Bringz Cheerz

Jun, 15 2010     139 chars (1 sms)     1886 views       Inspirational

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Fantastic Quote About LIFE:-

Everything Is "Prewritten"

And Nothing Can B


So Live The Best And Leave The Rest.
A man..
One of the most beautiful creations.
U can see his innocence in the form of a $On;
his care in the form of a brother;
his warmth in the form of a friend;
his passion in the form of a beloved;
his dedication in form of a husband
and his divinity in the form of a father.

Send this to every man u admire.
Contribute towards bringing a smile on every men''s face... ;->
Great Motivational Pharase:

"I know I am something,
because God doesn''t create garbage."
words written on the entrance of an
American university!
Success is like a train.
It has several compartments: Hardwork, Focus, Luck, etc.
but leading all those is the engine of confidence.
So keep it fit
Life Is A

Whatever U Want,
U Don''t Get

Whatever U Get,
U Don''t Enjoy

Whatever U Enjoy,
Is Not Permanent

Whatever Is Permanent,
Is Boring ...! :)
Life is sacred.
Celebrate life.
Care for others
Share whatever you have with those less fortunate than you
For the whole world belong to you ...
LiVe uP, dRinK IT doWn,

aVoid ThE bULLshiT aNd neVeR haVe RegReTs

coZ aT oNe PoiNT eVeRYThiNg

Was ThE WaY u WaNTEd IT To bE LiKe
be a student of duty
dont fall in beauty
beauty spoils ur duty
duty makes u beauty.........
Many of our fears are tissue paper thin, and a single courageous step would carry us clear through them
Don''t Cry For Anything Because Tears In Our Eyes Will Spoil The Vision & We Can''t See Our Goal Clearly. So Always Smile And Accept The Things For Good Future. . .
Let Ur Heart Be Ur Compass

Ur Mind Ur Map

Ur Soul Ur Guide


U Will Never Get Lost
Think 4 It-

Nev Er

Give Up!"

Winston Churchill