If Someone Hurts You

If Someone Hurts You
If Someone Hurts You
Ignore It

If You Can''t Ignore It
Forget It

If You Can''t Forget It
Laugh At It

If You Can''t Laugh
You Deserve It ...

Jun, 14 2010     153 chars (1 sms)     2138 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages

In rain all birds occupy shelter but eagle is
da one 1 dat avoids da rain by flying above da clouds.

Problem is common to all but attitude makes da difference!
Wen I Got Enough Confidence,De Stage Was Gone
Wen I Learnt 2 Dry My Own Tears,I Found A Shoulder 2 Cry On
Wen I Mastered De Skill Of Hating,Sumbody Started Luving Me
Wen I Injured My Heart,An Angel Came To Protect Me
And Wen After Waiting 4 Dawn,I Fell Asleep,The Sun Came Out....!
Remember !!

Work For A Cause
Not For Applause

Live Life To Express
Not To Impress

Don''t Strive To Make
our Presence Noticed

Just Make Your
Absence Felt ...
"Deep down you know you can be remarkable. You shouldn''t settle for anything less than your best self, reaching ever closer to your potential--whether as a leader or in any other part of your life."
Tears Can some times Be More Special Than Smiles,


Smiles Can b Given to Every 1 ,
But tears Are Shed Only For The person V Truly Love...!
As you travel through life

Your dreams will guide you

Determination will get you there

And love will provide the greatest scenery of all.
Don''t See Others, Do Better Than Yourself .
Beat Your Own Recors Everyday,

You''ll Surely Get Success Beacause Success Is
A Fight Betwaeen You & Yourself."
Life Never Seem 2 Be Da Way V Want It
But V Live Da Best Way V Can
There Is No Perfect Life
But V Can Fill It Wid Perfect Moments

B Passionate . . .
Remeber There Are

Three "R''s"

Important In Life ...

1 - "R" espect For Self

2 - "R" espect For Others

3 - "R" esponsibility For All Your Actions ...
"The single finger which wipes our
tears during our failures is much better than the ten fingers which come
together to clap on our victory".
Coins always make sound....but the currency note are always silent.
so when our value increases, keep yourself calm and silent!
Don''t Expect Anything
frm Life Expectations Hurt
When u Don''t Expect
Every Moment,Every thing

is a Surprise& Every Surprise Brings Happiness