The Unfortunate Thing

The Unfortunate Thing
"The Unfortunate Thing About

This World Is That The

Good Habits

Are Much Easier To Give Up

Than The Bad Ones"

Jun, 15 2010     122 chars (1 sms)     1998 views       Inspirational

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Feel The Difference

A Job Is Something U Do For Money
A Career Is Something U Do Based On An Inner Desire & Motivation

"Chase Ur Passion, Not Ur Pension"
Life never leaves u empty.

It always replaces everythng u lost!

If it asks u 2 put something down, it''s bcoz it wants u to pick up something better.

Gud Day! empty.

It always replaces everythng u lost!

If it asks u 2 put something down, it''s bcoz it wants u to pick up something better.

Gud Day!
There are some people who live in a dream world
There are some who face reality
Then there are those who turn one into the other...
If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought. Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in life has a purpose.
We Should Be Taught Not To Wait
For Inspiration To Start A Thing . . .
Action Always Generates Inspration
Inspiration Seldom Generates Action . . .
Living in favourable

& non-favourable situations is a


but SMILING in all those situations

is called the ART-OF-LIVING!
Never Compromises Ur Values & Beliefs,
Even If it Means
Risking Riddicule And Rejection

Be True To Urself
Live Ur Own Life
& Don’t Allow Others
To Decide What’s Best For U

If U Do, U’ll B Unhappy
B��coz U’re Untrue To Urself . . .
If u cry at a trouble, it grows double and if u laugh at a trouble, it disappears like a bubble. so always face ur problems wth a lovely bubbly smile..
ChErIsH yOuR vIsIoN
YoUr DrEaMz
As ThEy ArE tHe
ChIlDrEn Of YoUr SoUl
ThE bLuEpRiNtS oF
yOuR uLtImAtE
aChIeVeMeNtS ...
We dont know how high we can fly,

until we give a real gud try.

Just do ur best in each little try,

May d sky have 2 shift a little high.
M o n e y
D o e s
N o t
S p e a k
B u t
I t s
A b s e n c e
S c r e a m s . . . =P ;)
be a student of duty
dont fall in beauty
beauty spoils ur duty
duty makes u beauty.........