The Unfortunate Thing

The Unfortunate Thing
"The Unfortunate Thing About

This World Is That The

Good Habits

Are Much Easier To Give Up

Than The Bad Ones"

Jun, 15 2010     122 chars (1 sms)     2051 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages

In life, don’t expect anything from anyone.
Because expectation, when not fulfilled, gives you pain.
When you get something without expecting it,
It gives you pleasure.
Keep doing your part
And leave the rest to God.
"The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit."..

so keep on trying..hold on tight..afterall this is life!!!!!!!!!
Attitude is a Little thing

which makes a big diffrence like..

I am not the best,

but I am not like the rest.
success is nothing more than a few simple DISCIPLINES practiced daily. and failure is nothing more than a few small errors repeated daily.
Beautiful Message by Mother Teresa:

"If you cannot love a person
whom you see,

then how can you love
GOD whom you have never seen"
Don''t worry if your work is hard and your rewards are few.
Remember the mighty oak was once a nut like you
SuCcEsS oN AnY
MaJoR sCaLe
ReQuIrEs U 2
AcCePt ReSpOnCiBiLiTy .
In tHe FiNaL aNaLysIs ,
d QuaLiTy dAt aLl
SucCeSsFul pPl HaVe,
Is tHe aBiLiTy
2 TaKe ReSpOnSiBiLiTy ...
Kind Words Dont Cause
They Nvr Blister The
Tongue Or Lips
They Make Othr Ppl
Good-Natures They
Also Produce Their
Own Image On Men''s
Soul & A Beautiful 1 :)
If An Egg Is Broken Due 2 OUTSIDE Force Inside Life END''s

If It Breaks Frm Inside Life Begins

GREAT Things Alwys Begin Frm Inside
Allah Ki Rehmat Pe
Yaqeen Is Qadr Rkho
K Ager Tumhe Malom
Ho K Puri Dunya,
Jahanum MEin Jay Gi
Sawaye Aik K To Umeed
Rakho Wo Tum Ho.
“Hazrat ALI R.S”
The Future Is Like Heaven.

Everyone Exalts It,

But No One Wants To Go There Now.
There Is A Garden In Her Face,
Where Roses And White Lilies Blow;
A Heavenly Paradise Is That Place,
Wherein All Pleasant Fruits Do Grow.
There Cherries Grow That None May Buy,
Till Cherry Ripe Themselves Do Cry