M o n e y D o e s

M o n e y D o e s
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A b s e n c e
S c r e a m s . . . =P ;)

Jun, 14 2010     93 chars (1 sms)     2085 views       Inspirational

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life is a game of cards , u did not invent it nor did u form the rules,u hav no control overthe cards dealt to u but u r there to play
a good player even with a badband of cards will play well and emerge a winner a bad player even with best of cards will play badly and lose.
how r u playing it?
Hate, But Love More... Argue, But Agree More
Talk, But Listen More.. Punish, But Forgive More..
Then People Will Love U More
There are two primary choices in life

1) To accept conditions as they exist,


2) accept the responsibility for changing them
Hitler,s Formula:
"Tomorrow" will come daily...
But "Today" will come today only...!

So finish your Today,s work today...
and be free tomorrow.
Dont Pray For An Easy Life ,

Pray For The Strength To Endure A Difficult One.
As Far As U Think
"Not NOW"

Success Becomes
"Never" ...


As Soos As U Think
"Why Not Now"

Success Surely Will Becomes
"Yours" ... =)
Optimistic people bring a sense of hope into world.

Encouraging people bring a new meaning to life.

They help you see past the clouds on a glooming day.

They bring sunlight everyday :)
Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling five balls in the air.

You name them - work, family, health, friends, and spirit - and you''re keeping all of these in the air.

You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball.

If you drop it, it will bounce back. But the other four balls - family, health, friends, and spirit are made of glass.

If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably scuffed,
marked, nicked, damaged, or even shattered.

They will never be the same.

You must understand that and strive for balance in your life. . .
Growing Seed Makes
Falling Tree Makes
Destruction Has Noise,
Creation Is Always
Quiet ,

This Is The Power Of
Trust Urself
Cre8 d Kind Of Self Tht
U''ll b Happy 2 Live Wid
All Ur Lyf
Make d Most Of Urself
By Fanning d Tiny, Iner
Sparks Of Possibility In
2 Flames Of Achievements ... :)
Don''t Think Abt The Past It Brings Tearz

Dont Think Abt The Future It Brings Fearz

Just Think And Live The Presnt
It Bringz Cheerz
The only difference between where you are right now, and where you''ll be next year at this same time, are the people you meet and the books you read.