Best Wishes To You Both On Your Anniversary, May The Love That U Share Last Your Lifetime Through, As U Make A Wonderful Pair. Happy Wedding Anniversary
No, one take place of your father.
He is only to protect you and work for you in day and night.
No one came better for you but your father.
Happy Father Day
We"Ve Had Our Ups And Downs, This We Both Know, Through It All Our Love Still Managed To Grow Different Thoughts We Had About Many Things, But Our Love For Each Other, Had No Attached Strings. Happy Anniversary.
The most important thing you fixed Was on your day of leisure When you fixed your eyes on me That day I”ll always treasure I love you** Happy Anniversary ***
Marriage is that relation between man and women in which the Independence is Equal, the Dependence mutual and the Obligation Reciprocal”. Best wishes for Happy Wedding Anniversary.
What is education ?What is education ?
According to section 56(b) of Students Act, 1932,
"It is the process of wasting 1/3rd of ur life in
learning how to waste the remaining 2/3rd."