Where"er a noble

Where"er a noble
"Where"er a noble deed is wrought,
Where"er is spoken a noble thought,
Our hearts in glad surprise
To higher levels rise."
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)

Jun, 10 2010     167 chars (2 sms)     2206 views       Quatations

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Never Believe

A Crying Woman


A Smiling Man ... ;->

~ Russian Saying ~
"There is another reality enfolding ours-as close as our breath!"
-Don Pendleton (1927-1995)
"Love possesses not will be possessed,for love is sufficent unto love"
To Die in Luv For SumOne is Not THe Big Thing..To LivE in PaiN wiTh SmilE ForEver is The AchievemEnt.
IF Things R Happening According To Ur Wish,

U r Lucky!

But If They R Not,

U r Very Lucky,

Bcoz They R Happening According To God''s Wish.../

\... K33P SMiLiNG.../

[ ::. K?r?chi RoCK?rS .:: ]
Beautiful Quote.

True Happiness Consist Not In The Multitude of Friends,


In The Worth And Choice.
I''m Glad I Choose YOU!!!
Giving Your Son A
Is Better Than Giving
One Thousand Pieces
Of Gold ...

~ Chinese Saying ~
An Amazing QuOte:

sOmetimes in LIFE its difficult tO decide whats wrOng!!

A LIE that brings a SMILE Or the TRUTH that brings a TEAR
It is always the best policy
to speak the truth, unless,
of course , you are an exceptional
good liar.

Jerome K Jerome.

'Insan khud qabil-e-aithibar nahi hota, bal k uska kirdar aur uski sachai usay qabil-e-aithibar banati hay (Hazrat Ali A.S.)'
"Those things that nature denied to human sight,
she revealed to the eyes of the soul."
-Ovid (43 B.C.-17 A.D.)
"Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher."
-Oprah Winfrey (1954 -)