The soul should always

The soul should always
"The soul should always stand ajar.
Ready to welcome the ecstatic experience."
-Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

Jun, 10 2010     110 chars (1 sms)     2208 views       Quatations

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Happiness always lukz small
when we hold it in our hands,
but when we learn to share it..
we realize how big & precious it is..!!
Submission to Allah''s Will is the best companion; wisdom is the noblest heritage; theoretical and practical knowledge are the best signs of distinction; deep thinking will present the clearest picture of every problem.

'"We shall have no better conditions in the future if we are satisfied with all those which we have at present."

- Thomas Edison'
"A faithful friend is the medicine of life."
-The Apocrypha, 6:16
"Our life is what our thoughts make it. A man will find that as he alters his thoughts toward things and other people, things and other people will alter towards him."
James Allen
"Hope is a thing with feathers
That perches in the soul;
And sings the tune without words
And never stops at all."
-Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
"Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself
and know that everything in life has a purpose."
-Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (1926 -)
"If love is your weakest point then you r the strongest person in the world."

Abraham Lincoln
"if we love our country,we should also love our countrymen"
"God is the friend of silence.
See how nature-trees, flowers, grass-grows in silence;
see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence...
We need silence to be able to touch souls."
-Mother Teresa (1910-1997)

'If you are facing too many failures in your life, believe this, God is training you for a huge victory! ? ?'
Never Believe

A Crying Woman


A Smiling Man ... ;->

~ Russian Saying ~