Beautiful Quote By

Beautiful Quote By
Beautiful Quote By
Shakespeare ...

"L O V E" All

"T R U S T" A Few

DO " W R O N G" To
None ... (:

Jun, 09 2010     109 chars (1 sms)     2241 views       Quatations

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'Insan khud qabil-e-aithibar nahi hota, bal k uska kirdar aur uski sachai usay qabil-e-aithibar banati hay (Hazrat Ali A.S.)'
"T o
L o v e
O n e s e l f
I s
T h e
B e g i n n i n g
O f
L i f e - l o n g
R o m a n c e ..." (:

~ Oscar Wilde ~
"Change your thoughts, and you change your world."
-Norman Vincent Peale (1898-1993)

Arrange these letters in 4 words eusomymosid?

Answer :

Do you miss me
. . . Ultimate Truth . . .

TIME Makes Us
Some PEOPLE Make
Such PEOPLE Becomes
Our LIFE . . . =))

1)Agar, Rona Chatay Ho Tu ALLAH K Azaab Ko Yad Kr K Ro,

2)Khana Chatay Ho Tu ALLAH Ka KhoF Khao,

3)Peena Chatay Ho Tu GUSSA Peo,

4)Pehanna Chatay Ho Tu Sharam-O-Haya Ka Libaas Pehno,

5)Intazar Chatay Ho Tu MOUT Ka Karo,

6)Khatam Karna Chatay Ho Tu NAFS Ki Khuwaish Ko Khatm Karo.../
"Beauty in things exist in the mind which contemplates them."
-David Hume (1711-1776)
Let us remember that, as much has been given us, much will be expected from us, and that true homage comes from the heart as well as from the lips, and shows itself in deeds.
-Theodore Roosevelt-
""As a tale, so is life; not how long
it is, but how good it is, is what matters."
-Seneca (4? B.C.-65 A.D.) ; not how long
it is, but how good it is, is what matters."
-Seneca (4? B.C.-65 A.D.)
"They are alive and well somewhere,
the smallest sprout shows there is really no death..."
-George Washington Carver (1864-1943)
zindagi ustad se b ziyada sakht hoti he
ustad pahle sabaq deta he phir imtehan leta he
lekin zindagi pahle imtehan leti he phr sabq deti he...............
by hazrat Ali
When V r Angry V Can
Change Decision But
Not Feelings
The Changed Decision
May Give Satisfaction
At That Time
But Later It Hurts Our
Feelings A Lot ...