"Love makes time

"Love makes time
"Love makes time pass away and time makes love pass away"

Jun, 09 2010     58 chars (1 sms)     2690 views       Quatations

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"Those things that nature denied to human sight,
she revealed to the eyes of the soul."
-Ovid (43 B.C.-17 A.D.)
The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds;

And the pessimist fears this is true.
U Are Not Resposible
For What People Thimk
About U
U Are Responsible For
What U Give Them To
Think About U ....

Remember To Positive
Attitude Always ....
Keep Correcting your Little Mistakes!.,

Because Nobody Slips down by Hills.,

But just Slips by Little Stones....
Don’t let the pain of one season, destroy the joy of all the rest.
Don’t judge life by one difficult season.

Persevere through the difficult patches,
And better times are sure to come some time or late.
An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea.” - Buddha
"Teen Cheezain"
Insan ko tabah kar daiti hai,
1:- Hirs
2:- Hasad, aur
3:- Ghuroor
"In my Father"s house are many mansions."
-The Bible, John 14:2
"I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief
duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble."
-Helen Keller (1880-1968)
"Science may have found a cure for most evils,
but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all-
the apathy of human beings."
-Helen Keller (1880-1968)
A good friend can tell you what is the matter with you in a minute. He may not seem such a good friend after telling
"If something comes to life in others because of you,
then you have made an approach to immortality."
-Norman Cousins (1912-1990)