With petals of Roses,

With petals of Roses,
With petals of Roses,Palm full of Holly water,
Light of Full Sun,Fragrance of Flower and Grass with dew.
wish u a very special Good Morning....

Jun, 08 2010     146 chars (1 sms)     2290 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good

HvE A BrIgHt MoRnInG . . . :)
Mst ppl treat d
present momnts as if
it were an abstacle
th8 dey need 2
Since d present
momnt is LIFE itself
its an insane way 2
Gud a.m (=
TIME alone can prove the worth of frienship..
as time goes by,v loose the false ones,
n keep the best......
just a sweet hello 2 one of the best....
gud morning !!!!!
The Power Of Positive Thinking
Is Like Car With A Powerful
Engine That Can Take You To
The Summit Of A Mountain ...

G o O d
M o R n I n G ... :)
Morning greetings doesn''t only mean saying Gd Morning, it has asilent message saying: I remember you when I wake up! Have a nice day!
Between a 100000 yesterdays& a 100000 tomorrows, There is only
ione today and I would not let this pass without saying thx 4
being such a lovely frnd... Good Morng..............
Understand Ho Beautiful GOD has Added One More Day In Your Life . Not Beacause You Need It BEacause Someone Eles Needs You ...

(( GoOOood mOrnInnG ))
Sometimes someone says something really
small, and it just fits right into this empty
place in your heart..

Good Morning Everyone
Four Steps To Attain

First - THINK

Second - BELIEVE

Third - DREAM

Fourth - DARE ...

Good Morning
Stay Blessed :)
Gud morning.........Kindly observe SILENCE for 2 minutes in
the memory of of of those poor mosquitoes who died last night
after sucking ur blood.THANKS
Every morning has a new beginning, a new blessing, a new hope.
It"s a perfect day coz it"s God"s gift. Have a blessed, hopeful
perfect day to begin with.Good Morning
1 Khushbuu
Gulaab K Saath

Thori c Hansi
Mazaq K Saath

1 Yaad Mulaqat K Saath

Nai Subha Suraj Ki
Pehli Kiran k Saath

Hamesha Khush Raho
Meri Duao''n K Saath

~Good Morning~ (: