Hey, good morning

Hey, good morning
Hey, good morning!

Rise and shine!

As you open your eyes

to greet the morning sun,

I wish that

you would be well and fine.

Have A Nice Day . . . :)

Jun, 08 2010     166 chars (2 sms)     2188 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

In French: Bon jour
In Spanish: Te Quiro
In Italian: Teamo
In Yugoslav: Volim Te
In English: Good Morning
In Punjabi: Uth Moya Kam te nahi jana?
Even If Everybody Says..... !!


You Don''t Have A Chance,

Don''t Give Up Your Dreams ... !!

G o_O d
/\/\orning [=




Dont get confused ,
Arey Baba SORRY means:
O-One Is

Good Morning :)
Morning greetings doesn"t only mean saying gd morning, it has
a silent message saying - I Remember you when i wake up!
Have a nice day.
Birds r chillaaying. Hen is kukdukuing. Flowers r khusbhu maaring,
Moon is dubing, sun is ugging. Peakok is naaching. All r kahing
Good Morning, and U R still soying......!
V r nt strong n powerful evryday
th8 V weep if need b
2 feel d luv n blosoming of a flower th8 was 1nce a seed
& yes reborn
if need b

Good a.m (=
U r nice, so Nice Morning.

U r Sweet, so Sweet Morning.

U r Loving, so Lovely Morning

U r Good, so Good Morning.
GoOd MoRnInG

Todays Weather

It wud b cloudy if U
Rainy if U cry
Clear if U r Happy
Sunny & Pleasnt if U
Stormy if U Sing ... ;->
The Earth And The Sky Both Know That

They Can Never Meet. Still When The Skys

Heart Suffers In Pain, The Eyes Of Earth Flood With Tears . . .

This Feeling Of The Earth For The Sky . . .

Is Love.

Good Morning
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At times one loses everything, it only means that things shall recommence shortly with more life, more love, more devotion, more intensity, with more hope . . .
Hope of a new tomorrow to fill the pits created by yesterday.

Gud Morning


Have A Blessed Life
A night hug warms the heart, a night kiss brightens the day,
and a gd morning to start your day!