As the sun kisses u a

As the sun kisses u a
As the sun kisses u awake,

did u hear God whisper,

"I love u" 2 ur ear?

Hope the noise of d day

wont drown His voice

as He repeats these words 2 u all day.


Jun, 08 2010     183 chars (2 sms)     2038 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

makes the day
(=( ;_; )=)

that the best
thing (;_;) we can
do (;_;) (;_;) to
make (;_;) life easy

Gud morning!
May you begin this day with a smile on your face, and with
happiness for your soul to embrace. Good Morning my love
when i woke up early morning birds were singing i asked them i m
missing a sweet voice in u a bird replied: u still havn"t said
good morning to taht sweet GooD MorninG sweet heart
A smile is a way of writing your thoughts on your face, telling others that they are accepted, liked and appreciated. So here''s a big smile just for you. Good Morning
Sun glows for a day,Candle for an hour,Matchstick for a minute,
But a good day can glow forever,So start ur day with a mile...
Good Morning
Morning greetings doesn"t only mean saying Good Morning,
it has a silent message saying: I remember you when I
wake up! Have a nice day!
Little keys can open big locks...

simple words can express great thoughts...

hope my sweet wishes can make your day lighter and smiling.

Good Morning
TIME alone can prove the worth of frienship..
as time goes by,v loose the false ones,
n keep the best......
just a sweet hello 2 one of the best....
gud morning !!!!!
There are hundreds of languages in the world but a smile speaks them all. And the best smile is the one which shines through troubles

goood morning!!!

Keep Smiling.... :)
Begin the day with a light heart. Let all your worries be
swept aside at night. Smile a moment and thank God, for every
moment He cares for you all the way.:-)
"Wake Up With A Smile
Say A Quiet Little Prayer.
Give Everyone A Big Smile
Show The World You Care

Friends Make Life A Total Joy
Can Change Your Entire Day.
Cultivate Your Own Happiness
Chase Those Lousy Blues Away."

gUd MoRnInG
Never Blame A Day In Ur Life

Good Days Give U Happiness

Bad Days Give U Experience

Both Are Essential In Life

All Are God’s Blessings

Gud Morning
Hve A Nixe Day