I sent angels to your bed to wake you up and I asked them to surround your heart with LOVE, touch your face with a ROSE, kiss your head and wish you a very GOOD MORNING........
Morning does not mean that you have to get up and work again.
Mornin is God"s way of saying that He loves you so much He wants
you to be live another beautiful day. GUD MORNING
May you rise each texting day with fully charged cell phone
in your hand, inspiring message in your mind, me in your heart,
and a clear signal all day long. Nice day!
My Dreams Are My Own,
Dont Try To Take ''Em Away From Me,
I Cant Predict The Future,
I Cant Change The Past,
I Have Just The Present Moment,
I Must Treat It As My Last !
May you rise each texting day with fully charged cell phone
in your hand,Inspiring message in your mind, me in your heart,
And a clear signal all day long. Good Morning & Nice day!