I wish for SUN to

I wish for SUN to
I wish for SUN to warm U,MOON to charm U,A SHELTRING Angle so
that nothing can Harm U...Faithful friends near U and
everything U pray GOD to hear U...Good morning....

Jun, 08 2010     169 chars (2 sms)     2095 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Always welcome a new day with a Smile on Ur Lips,Love in Ur
Heart & Good Thoughts in Ur Mind....And Ull always have a
WoNderFuL DaY..GoOd MoRnInG...
New day new blessing.Don''t let yesterday''s failures ruin the beauty of today,b''coz each day has its own promise of love,joy,forgiveness.....
Good Morning...
“U should be either in a part of problem “


“U should be either in a part of solution”

So start u r day in ur own style..

“Good Morning”
"No one can be right all of the time, but it helps to be right most of the time."


~Good Morning~

Dear Subscriber!Good Morning!!!Ur due date to take bath for
this month is today...Please take bath by due date to avoid
khujli,dandruf..... Thanks!!!!
A Smile Is Like A
Life Is Like A Cellphone
You Insert The
Simcard Of A Smile ,
A Beautiful Day Is
Activated ...

Good Morning
Keep Smiling (:
Hi..right now i m coming near to u..in the form of Sunlight.
in the form of sweet breze.in the form of gud wishes to greet
u a great gud mrng!
A Prayer Can Go Where
I Cannot Go. Through
Prayers I Can Be With
You Without Being
There. I May Be Miles
Away But My Prayers
Will Always Be With

GoOd MoRnInG ... (:
Gud Morning. . . .

The rising sun
age old
yet new and inspiring
lighting up the world
with its soft pink rays;
just watching the familiar hues
dance on the still water
I return to emotions
that never truly left.
Just as the sun sets
it rises again
wide arms embracing a new day.
very Morning

we are born again.

What we do today is What matters most.

Good Morning.
GOD Understands Our Prayers
Even When
V Can''t Find d Words To Say ''em

G o.0 d MoRnInG

Live, Laugh, Love n Smile Who Knows 2morow May Not b (:
Everytym Has Its Own Value

Morning Bringz HOPE

Afternoon Bringz FAITH

Evening Bringz LOVE

Night Bringz DREAMZ

I Wish U Find All Of Them Everyday :)