The Power Of Positiv

The Power Of Positiv
The Power Of Positive Thinking
Is Like Car With A Powerful
Engine That Can Take You To
The Summit Of A Mountain ...

G o O d
M o R n I n G ... :)

Jun, 07 2010     152 chars (1 sms)     1958 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

It is a"S"imple"M"ind touching"I"nteractive"L"ong lasting
"E"ffectwhichWinsthehearts..Yes..Itsyour"SWEET SMILE"
So Keep smiling always, gudmrng..
Life is too short to wake up
in the morning with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right
forget about the ones who don't.

Good Morning
I was on a ship thinking of U... wen I looked down, I dropped a
tear into the ocean.. Then I promised myself that untill someone
notfinds it, I won"t forget U...
Good Morning
I wish for SUN to warm U,MOON to charm U,A SHELTRING Angle so
that nothing can Harm U...Faithful friends near U and
everything U pray GOD to hear U...Good morning....
This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good

HvE A BrIgHt MoRnInG . . . :)
Murawat Hi Sahi Par Ek Bat To Dil se Batao.

Waqai Masrof ho Ya Bhulana Chahty ho...!

Good Morningz....
There is only one difference between Dream and Aim.

Dream requires effortless sleep

Whereas Aim Requires Sleepless effort.

Keep trying to overcome inner beast which stops u offering ur prayers.

Good Morining have a nice good day :)
Whenever I look at my palm,i wonder which of those tiny cute cris cross lines made me so lucky two meet a sweet person like U

Good Morning... :)
A day is going to end again. It is nice to have a friend like U making my everyday seems so great. Thank U my good friend lastly gd nite n sweet dreams...
Hello, wakup, Receive my simple gift of "GOOD MORNING"
wrapped with sincerity, tied with care and sealed with
a prayer to keep u safe and happy all day long! Take Care!
I WISH 4 U...Great start 4 Monday...No obstacles 4 Tuesday...
No stress 4 Wednesday...No worry 4 Thursday...Smile 4
Friday...Party 4 Saturday & great fun 4 Sunday...
Have a nice weekend (GUD MORNING)
Words and hearts should be handle with care because words
when spoken and hearts when broken are the hardest thing
to repair. Good Morning.