In life, if you are intelligent, you are admired.
If you are prominent, you are envied.
If you are powerful, you are feared.
But if you are blessed with a good heart, you are remembered.
God bless!
Remember You Won''t
Always Win.
Some Days, The Most Resourceful
Individual Will Taste Defeat.
There Is, In This Case,
Always Tomorrow
After You Have Done Your Best To
Achieve Success Today ...
Always be Happy, always wear a smile;
Not because life is full of reasons to smile but because ur smile itself is a reason for many others to smile...
Good Morning
The word "Appreciation"
means to b thankful & express admiration,
approval, or gratitude.
It also means to grow or appreciate in value.
As You appreciate life.
You become more valueable ...
Both to Yourself & Others.
• If life is a game, I wish you to win. If life is a journey, I wish you to walk on roses. If life is a joy, I wish you to always smile. Have a great & successful day.