GoooooooooooooooD Moooooorrrnniinnggg

GoooooooooooooooD Moooooorrrnniinnggg
New Morning
New Aim
New Achievement
Ur Dedication

Just do it & win it
Good Morning

Jul, 18 2013     112 chars (1 sms)     2279 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

U may not think of me when ur happy n having a good time,It"s
fine, but please don"t 4get me when ur sad n alone coz.
I want to be the first one to make u happy. Good morning!
Every Morning The Sun Dawns.

U''ve An Opportunity To Do SumThing, SumThing Kind, SumThing New,

SumThing Exiting, SumThing Worth Living For. & EveryDay That The Evening Sun Sets.

It''ll Take A Part Of Ur Life Wid It. . .

So Don''t Just Go Through The Motions & Always Remember To Smell The Roses..!
If ur eyes r sweet u wuld like all the people of the world but
if ur tongue is sweet all the people of the world will like u.
Gud Day.
Relationships never Die a Natural Death

They are alwayz Murdered by Attitude,

Behaviour,Ego, Hidden Benefits or Ignorance.

Gud m0rnInG..
I WISH 4 U...Great start 4 Monday...No obstacles 4 Tuesday...
No stress 4 Wednesday...No worry 4 Thursday...Smile 4
Friday...Party 4 Saturday & great fun 4 Sunday...
Have a nice weekend (GUD MORNING)
GoOd MoRniNg...

mAy GOd GIvE yOu A fREsH
sUpPLY Of StREnGth
To YoUr jOb,
AnnOinT YoUr pRojEcts,
BLesS yOuR iDeAs,
sO thAt EvEn YoUr SMaLLesT

GOD blEss YoU

kEEp sMiliNg

TAkE CaRe!!
Knock!Knock may I come into ur world I bing no flowers,
no gifts but wishes to keep u fresh, prayers to keep u
healthy and luv to keep u smilling. Gud Morning
Kehtay hain ager subah subah achay logon say contact kia jaey toe din acha guzerta hae. Meray leay aap sub say achay hain aor aap ko Subah Bakhair!
No Shadows 2 Depress U, Only Joys 2 Surround U,Many FrieNds 2
LoveU,God Himself 2 BlessU,These r my Wishes 4U,2day 2morow &
Everyday 2 u !! Good morning
The Day The

Lord Created

Hope Was Probably

The Same Day

He Created Spring.

Good Morning


Keep Smiling
Abey bina Balkani K flat, Flowerpot, Khali patili K dhakhan
mafiq barjela kio hai? Daykh kia raha hai? Bhai log Gud Morning
bolnay ko aya hai,bolayto set hai na!
Those who joyfully leave everything in God"s hand will
eventually see God"s hand in everything. Worries end
where faith begins. Gud Day