This bright, new day...
Cmplete wid 24 hrs of opportunities, choices & attitude...
A perfectly matched set of 1440 minutes.
This unique gift, this one day, cannot be exchanged, replaced or refunded...
Handle wid care.
Make the most of it...
Good Morning to All..!
It''s not presence of sumone dat brings meaning to life,
but it''s d way dat sumone touches ur soul.
which gives life a beautiful "MEANING".
Open ur eyes! So the SUN can rise,Flowers can blossom....
Birds can sing,Bcoz all are waiting to see ur
*B*E*A*U*T*I*F*U*L* @S@M@I@L@E@ Good Morning.....
G-get up O-open ur eyes O-out of ur bed D-day has risen M-Mobile beeps O-One msg recieved R-Read&enjoy N-Never mind I-Its N-New way 2 wish u G-good morning