Between a 100000 yesterdays& a 100000 tomorrows, There is only
ione today and I would not let this pass without saying thx 4
being such a lovely frnd... Good Morng..............
Every morning has a new beginning, a new blessing, a new hope.
It"s a perfect day coz it"s God"s gift. Have a blessed, hopeful
perfect day to begin with.Good Morning
A cup of hot hello"s, A plate of crispy wishes, A spoon of
sweet smiles and A slice of great sucess, hope this breakfast
makes u"r day lovely. Lovely & Beautiful Good Morning
U say "Run"
i ask"How Far"
U say "Swim"
i ask "How Deep"
U say "Jump"
i ask "How High"
But if U say
i''ll say "NO WAY"
That''s FRiendship.