birds are chillaying

birds are chillaying
birds are chillaying
murgha is kukrukuing
chaand is doobing
sun is nikling
flowers are khushboo maring
peacock is naching

all are kahing
to u Good Morning


u r still soying???

Jun, 08 2010     192 chars (2 sms)     2552 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

I went to sleep last night with a smile

because I knew I''d be dreaming of you.

But I woke up this morning with a smile

because you weren''t a dream. . .

Good Morning . . . :)
i"ve send an angel over to u, to watch over u while u"re
sleeping. so u wake up tomorrow staying as cute as u r
A Morning is a wonderful blessing, either Cloudy or Sunny.
It stands for hope, giving us another start of what we call Life.
Gud Morning & Have a nice day
One of the joys in life
is waking up each day
with thoughts that somewhere
Someone cares enough to
send a warm morning greeting...
Appreciate life itself even if

it''s not a bed of roses.

Contentment is not fulfillment

of what u wish 4

but appreciation of what u have.

Gud Mrng!
In ThE
sWeEtNeSs Of
LeT dErE bE lAuGhTEr,
FoR In ThE dEw oF
LiTtLe ThInGs
tHe HeArT fInDs
It''S MoRnInG
Is ReFrEsHeD ..

gUd morNiNg ... =)
I Went To Sleep Last Night Wid A Smile

CozI Knew I''d B Dreaming Of U

ButI Woke Up This Morning Wid A Smile

CozU Weren''t A Dream

GoOd MoRn!nG .
()¤() CLOSE
( -,-) YOUR EYES
(‘’)(‘’) AND
()¤() ()¤() DAT
( ‘,’ ) ‘,’ ) WE ARE
(‘’) (‘’)`)(‘’) 2GETHER.
( . . ) A SWEET
‘=, ’,=’ MAANO

% G00D M0RNING %
Sun Glows
4 A Day,

Candle 4 An Hour Matchstick 4 A Minute,

A Good Day Can Glow 4eve,

So Start Ur Day With A SMILE On Ur Face,

Good Morning...!!!
The more u count ur blessings, the more blessings u will have,
to count! I always do, and I count u as the nicest blessing!
God Bless u each day!
Good Morning!
Words and hearts should be handle with care because words
when spoken and hearts when broken are the hardest thing
to repair. Good Morning.
if i could have 1 wish: d only thing i"d wish 4 is 2 be in
the form of soap bubbles so i"d flow all over your body!
goodmorning 2 u!