Why Wish For

Why Wish For
Why Wish For
The Privilege Of Living
Your Past Left Again ??
You Can Begin A New
One Every Morning ...

~ Stay Blessed ~ :)

Jun, 07 2010     130 chars (1 sms)     2230 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Wakeup & Wink those Teeny Weeny Eyes.Stretch those Inzy Winzy
Bones,Wear that Jolly Winning smile & tell urself today is a beautiful day...
G@@d M(:)rning....
Between a 100 yesterdays& a 100 tomorrows,There is only one
today and I would not let this pass without
saying thx 4 being such a lovely frnd...
Lyf Is A Book
V All Read It

Love Is A Blessing
V All Need It

Always B Happy
Always Hve Smile

Remembr In Diz World

V r Just For A While !!

Gud A.M (:
I went to sleep last night with a smile

because I knew I''d be dreaming of you.

But I woke up this morning with a smile

because you weren''t a dream. . .

Good Morning . . . :)
De smile is like simcard & life is like cell phone,wen u insert
de simcard of a smile a beautiful day is activated.keep
smiling ...gud morning
Receive my simple gift of "GOOD MORNING" wrapped with sincerity,
tied with care and sealed with a prayer to keep u safe and happy
all day long! Take Care!
Laughter Is Like

A Fresh New Day

Each Giggle Is The Dawn
Of A New Morning


Bright Up Your Day
With Smile ...

Gud Morning
The secret of health 4
both ''Mind n Body'' is
not 2 ''Mourn'' 4 d past,
not 2 ''Worry'' abt
future, but 2 live d
present moment
''Wisely n Earnestly''

Gud A.M


bismilla kraan !



sadqy jawan !


Jaag gay oo !


tehr jao !!!

menu gööd mö


ty wish kr len 2...

Tannu lakh lakh

I''m giving you a part of my friendship not because you deserve it.

But I guess, it already belongs to you.

It might not be enough, it might be too small,

but this little part could probably be my all.

Good morning!
Simple music can make u sing,A simple hug can make u feel
better,Simple things can make u happy.Hope my simple Hi...!!!
will make u smile ...Good Morning....
Twinkle-Twinkle lazy star Kitna soyega uthja yaar, up above the
world so high, sun has risen in the sky, uthke jaldi pee le _chai,
then call me up and say HI