MORNING SMILE makes the day (=( ;_; )=)g

MORNING SMILE makes the day (=( ;_; )=)g
makes the day
(=( ;_; )=)

that the best
thing (;_;) we can
do (;_;) (;_;) to
make (;_;) life easy

Gud morning!

Jun, 08 2010     149 chars (1 sms)     1912 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

A Prayer That

From Above

Will Grant U
All The Blessing
Of His Everlasting LOVE


Gud Morning
Hve A Blessed Day
Above the dark horizon soon new light rays will appear
They signify to all the world a fresh new day is here...!

G o_O d
M o r n i n g (:

Stay Blessed
MORNING Greetings does not only

mean saying good MORNING.

It has a silent message saying.

I remember you, when I wake up.

Have a nice day.
Life is like a Book: Each day a new page with adventures
to experience, lessons to learn and good deeds to replicate.
Have a COLORFUL PAGE today. Good Morning
Morning is not only a surprise but a beautiful miracle of God that defeats the darkness and spreads the light. May this be a beautiful day. Gud Morning.
_Y__o__ 6am

.;'';'';. o
_Y_____ 7am

_Y_____ 8am

Good Morning!.....
Hello, wakup, Receive my simple gift of "GOOD MORNING"
wrapped with sincerity, tied with care and sealed with
a prayer to keep u safe and happy all day long! Take Care!
I define good morning sms as de way of asking how was ur 9t
& de delivery of wishes 4 a brand new day. Good morning.
L%k out$ide,it$ $o plea$ent* Sun is $miling 4 U* Tree$ dancing
4 U* $tanrs $inging 4 U* $ky praying 4 U* Cloud$ l%king 4 U* & ME
mi$$ing & waiting 4 ur msg or call.Good Morning
Lyf is lyk a Bicycle,
d moment V stop pedaling,
V start losing momentum.
If V coast for too long,
V fall Resolve 2 press on inspite of all Ur distractions
Gud a.m
A Relaxed mind,A peaceful soul,A joyful spirit,A healthy body,
& a heart full of love... All these are my prayers for U have
a Good Day...
in Life, aLways remember one thing before doing something good or bad ..
“what you do
is what
defines you” …

Gud morning!