An Attempt To Go

An Attempt To Go
An Attempt To Go Beyond Destiny Is Rather A Step Back From The Reality
Be Real
Think Real
So The Things Do Not Pinch

Enjoy Life

G o_0 d /\/\oRnInG (:

Jun, 07 2010     159 chars (1 sms)     2008 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Sun Glows
4 A Day,

Candle 4 An Hour Matchstick 4 A Minute,

A Good Day Can Glow 4eve,

So Start Ur Day With A SMILE On Ur Face,

Good Morning...!!!
I try to Beeee the best friend i can beeeee, so here u go,
some Goodmorning flowers right to you from meeeeeee.
Twinkle-Twinkle lazy star Kitna soyega uthja yaar, up above the
world so high, sun has risen in the sky, uthke jaldi pee le _chai,
then call me up and say HI
The sun had rised from the east & birds r singing happily &
butterflies R around the flowers. It is time to wake up &
give a big yawning & say gd morning to u..
There are hundreds of languages in the world but a smile speaks them all. And the best smile is the one which shines through troubles

goood morning!!!

Keep Smiling.... :)
Value each precious moment...morning brings hope,aft nun
brings faith,eve brings love n" nite brings rest...wish u
find dem all 2day.HAVE A NICE DAY:-)
Gud morning.........Kindly observe SILENCE for 2 minutes in
the memory of of of those poor mosquitoes who died last night
after sucking ur blood.THANKS
A day''s work is a day''s work, neither more nor less, and the man who does it needs a day''s sustenance, a night''s repose and due leisure, whether he be painter or ploughman

Good Morning.

Have an Excellent Day.
GoOd MoRnInG

Todays Weather

It wud b cloudy if U
Rainy if U cry
Clear if U r Happy
Sunny & Pleasnt if U
Stormy if U Sing ... ;->
Never look back...
Never regret...
Never remember
the people you''ve met.
Never begin...
And never end...
Never say never
when it comes to your friends!

LiFe Is LiKe A
cHoCoLaTe BoX

EaCh ChOcOlAtE iS lIkE
a PoRtIoN oF lIfE

SoMe ArE cRuNcHy
SoMe ArE nUtTy
SoMe ArE sOfT

gOoD mOrNiNg (:
I wish God made me a SMS, so that I can reach you in 5 sec,
Cost u nothing, u"ll read me & I cud C U smiling which is
worth a million 4me. Good Morning.