A child on a farm sees

A child on a farm sees
A child on a farm sees a plain flying by overhead n dreams of
a far away place. A traveler on d plain sees d farm n dreams
of that. That"s life. We never realized d value of the thing
unless it moves away frm us. Enjoy d moment u hav with u.
Gud Day

Jun, 08 2010     254 chars (2 sms)     2043 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Mst ppl treat d
present momnts as if
it were an abstacle
th8 dey need 2
Since d present
momnt is LIFE itself
its an insane way 2
Gud a.m (=
It is a"S"imple"M"ind touching"I"nteractive"L"ong lasting
"E"ffectwhichWinsthehearts..Yes..Itsyour"SWEET SMILE"
So Keep smiling always, gudmrng..
Be thankful 4 every morning u wake up to,

a brand new day of your adventure in LIFE.

god knows how to make ur day right,

Look up and say "God be my Guide."

" Gud MornIng "
When the night comes, look at the sky. If you see a falling
star, don"t wonder why, just make a wish. Trust me, it will
come true, because I did it and I found you
My Dreams Are My Own,
Dont Try To Take ''Em Away From Me,
I Cant Predict The Future,
I Cant Change The Past,
I Have Just The Present Moment,
I Must Treat It As My Last !

Above the dark horizon soon new light rays will appear
They signify to all the world a fresh new day is here...!

G o_O d
M o r n i n g (:

Stay Blessed
''Change'' Doesn''t ''Happen''
When Circumstances ''Improve''
''Change'' ''Happens'' When "YOU" Decide To ''Improve'' Your Circumstances...

GoOd MoRnInG (:
“U should be either in a part of problem “


“U should be either in a part of solution”

So start u r day in ur own style..

“Good Morning”
2 b sucesful U''ve 2 b selfish
or else U nvr achieve & 1ce U get
2 Ur highest level thn
U''ve 2 b Unselfish.
Stay reachable,
Stay in touch,
Don''t Isolate
Gud a.m (:
Happiness Is Lyk A
Radio Station
Broadcasting All d Tym
U Just Have 2 Learn
How 2 Tune In &
Receive It Properly

Stay Tune n Be Happy

Gud A.M
Sweet and nice
with just a little spice!

Humorous and funny
yet sweet like honey!

Laid back and cool
as precious as a jewel!

I think you''re so neat
and your friendship is a treat!

gooood morning!!!
When the night comes, look at the sky. If you see a falling
star, don"t wonder why, just make a wish. Trust me, it will
come true, because I did it and I found you