GoOd MoRniNg...

GoOd MoRniNg...
GoOd MoRniNg...

mAy GOd GIvE yOu A fREsH
sUpPLY Of StREnGth
To YoUr jOb,
AnnOinT YoUr pRojEcts,
BLesS yOuR iDeAs,
sO thAt EvEn YoUr SMaLLesT

GOD blEss YoU

kEEp sMiliNg

TAkE CaRe!!

Jun, 08 2010     232 chars (2 sms)     1964 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

A night hug warms the heart, a night kiss brightens the day,
and a gd morning to start your day!
Todays Thought: Try hard to get what u like (or) you will be forced to like what u get. Keep smiling always it increases ur face value. Have a terrific day. GOOD MORNING
GOD is making a way 4 U
Ur nite is expiring
Ur new fresh day is coming
The miracle U expect
Is going to happen
GOD doesn''t disappoint U

g O_o D a.m (:
Happy Moments - PRAISE ALLAH
Difficult Moments- SEEK ALLAH
Quiet Moments - WORSHIP ALLAH
Painful Moments - TRUST ALLAH
Moment By Moment - THANK ALLAH
For years I kept a sign in my room that helped me maintain the right perspective concerning yesterday.
It simply said..
Ended Last Night..”
It reminded me that no matter how badly I might have failed in the past, it’s done, n today is a new day to make things better.
gud morning!
Treat everyone with politeness,Even those who are rude to U.....
Not because they are not nice,But bcoz u are nice....!!!**Good morning**

Friend nahi to life waste,
Salt nahi to food waste,
Story nahi to cinema waste,
Mera SMS nahi to tera cell waste...!GOOD MORNING
A Gud Chrcter Is d Bst
Those Who Luvd U &
Were Helpd By U
Wl Remembr U Whn
4get-Me-Nots Hve
Carve Ur Name On
Hearts Not On Marble

Gud A.M (:
Bade arman se banwaya hai,

Ise roshni se sajaya hai.

Bahut dur se mangwaya hai,

Zara khidki khol k dekho

aapko good morning kahne

suraj bhijwaya hai
With petals of Roses, Palm full of Holy water, Light of full Sun, Fragrance of flower and grass with dew. I wish U a
v. special
GOOD Moning.
''Change'' Doesn''t ''Happen''
When Circumstances ''Improve''
''Change'' ''Happens'' When "YOU" Decide To ''Improve'' Your Circumstances...

GoOd MoRnInG (:
Each Morning Sees
Some Task Begin
Each Evening Sees It
Something Attempted,
Something Done
Has Earned A Nights
Repose ...

G o_O d
M o r n i n g
The sun has once brought brightness to earth! lazy bone.
it"s time 2 wake up gd morning...