Sweet Morning

Sweet Morning
U r nice, so Nice Morning.

U r Sweet, so Sweet Morning.

U r Loving, so Lovely Morning

U r Good, so Good Morning.

Sep, 10 2014     116 chars (1 sms)     3187 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

This dog is one cat of donkey the best monkey ways 2 cockroach make u rat smile!

GooD MorninG ;->
If I get ur smile, I don"t need flowers, If I get ur voice,
I don"t need music, If u speak to me I don"t any body else,
If ur with me I don"t need the world. luv you, Good Morning
I went to sleep last night with a smile

because I knew I''d be dreaming of you.

But I woke up this morning with a smile

because you weren''t a dream. . .

Good Morning . . . :)
when i woke up early morning birds were singing i asked them i m
missing a sweet voice in u a bird replied: u still havn"t said
good morning to taht sweet Angel....so GooD MorninG sweet heart
New day new blessing.Don''t let yesterday''s failures ruin the beauty of today,b''coz each day has its own promise of love,joy,forgiveness.....
Good Morning...
Rain Covers d Sun

Truth Covers d Lie

Angels Cover d Evil

Flowers Cover d Garden

May Happiness Cover All d Worries
Of Ur Life

Good Morning
Have A Blessed Day :)
D o n '' t
W a i t
T o
B e
H a p p y
T o
L a u g h ...

Y o u
M a y
D i e
A n d
N e v e r
H a v e
L a u g h e d ... (:

G o_O d
M o r n i n g
Bill Gates ...

"Every Morning Get Up
An Look Through The
List Of The Richest People
In The World. If Your Name
Is Not There Please Go To Work .. "

gOod MoRnIn
When Situation Get U Down Remember
There’s Someone In Heaven Who Loves U & Watches Over U
There’s Someone On Earth Who Cares For U . . .
Take Care
Good Morning
The sun rises into the sky with the warmest smile, he wishes
you a good morning, hoping that you have the perfect day.
Take care & miss you. Gd morning
in Life, aLways remember one thing before doing something good or bad ..
“what you do
is what
defines you” …

Gud morning!
jo apko rula kr apko mana le us sy pyar kro,,,
or jo apko rula kar khud b aansu bahaye us pe aetbar karo