without you SMS Messages35 messages

Sweetness can be defined without honey.

Fragnance can be defined without Rose.

But, friendship can"t be defined without you.
Don''t only be close with someone who

makes you happy. Be close with someone

who can''t be happy without you.it
makes a lot of difference in life....
Take Good Care Of Yourself,

Friend. We Hope To See You Up And
Running And Back At Kommies Again.

The Place Just Isn''t The Same
without you.
Love is sweet poison:
Do not consume without your beloved"s advise
and keep out of reach of children
and keep it in cool and dark place.
Every time I look into your eyes I feel like being in there
Every time I listen to your voice I feel like listening to more
Every time I take your name I feel the love towards you
Every time I think about you I feel like dreaming about you
Every time I think about myself I feel that I am incomplete
Yes, I am incomplete without your love
Fill my heart with your love, I love you, I just love you!
• Be close with someone who makes you happy but be more close with someone who can’t be happy without you. Feel the difference!
I cried today...
not because I missed you or even wanted you
but because I finally realized I''m going to be alright without you
The day will come when you''ll be mine
But I''ll just wait till that time
If I have to wait forever, that''s what I''ll do
Cause I cant live my life without you
YoU cAn ShOw Me ThE wAy
GiVe Me A sUnNy DaY
WhAt DoEs It MeAnS without your LoVe
If I cAn TrAvEl FaR
If I cAn ToUcH tHe StArS
WhErE wOuLd I hAvE bEeN without your LoVe
If I cAn FlY aWaY
If I cAn SaIl ToDaY
WhErE wOuLd I hAvE gOnE without youR lOvE..
I love the way that you look without your make up
I had a girl before we met but we broke up
Theres something ''bout you that makes me want to step up
Step up and be with u If that''s ok with you
I''m gonna make you feel like you are heaven on earth
I''m gonna thank your mother just for giving you birth
I''m gonna wanna hold you in my arms when you cry
If that''s ok with you If that''s ok with you
Trust me, that the Life is not a Life without you.
Each Day I am Holding a Hope to
Welcome the Next Day.

You know Why?
Because I am Waiting for You.

Even though I''m Laughing
But you didn''t Try to See My Feelings.

My Pains And my Life without you
Just See Once You will Realize Then,
How Much I do Love You?