till SMS Messages415 messages

Keep the smile,
Leave the tear,
Think of joy,
Forget the fear ,
Hold the laugh,
Leave the pain,
Be jouyous till i sms again
Keep the smile,

Leave the tear,

Think of joy,

Forget the fear ,

Hold the laugh,

Leave the pain,

Be jouyous till

I sms again. . . :)

-Luv ur bed,its ur temple,-Relax in the day,

so dat u can sleep at nite,-Books r holy,so dont touch dem,-
Dont do sumthing 2morow,dat u can do day after 2morrow,-
If u feel like studying,sit down
wait till dat feeling goes away,-
Dont 4get that studying is a healthy actvity,So leave it 4sick people.
Memories Are Special
There Are Sum Frnds
Come Over When U''re Shunned By All & Subdry
Still Luv U
There Are Sum Frnds Who Start Noddling
When U Are Three
Same Sense Of Humor As U. . .
U & I Are Of Those Frnds . . . :->
Only eyes speak da truth.Neither da mirror nor da lips. Da person who loves U.Can c da pain in ur eyes.While everyone else still believes in ur smile....!
A sacred wonder
Divine in its depth.
Or, an act, kosher
Sinful till its end!
Happiness is
like butterflys,
you run after it,
it keeps flying
away, if you
stand still,
it coms and
sits on your
shoulder. . .
so wish you
lots of butterflys
in your life.
i wish to
god for you
you will
always happy.
afterll i''m
RAHUL..... Happiness is
like butterflys,
you run after it,
it keeps flying
away, if you
stand still,
it coms and
sits on your
shoulder. . .
so wish you
lots of butterflys
in your life.
i wish to
god for you
you will
always happy.
afterll i''m
You Can

Have Money

Pilled To

The Ceiling

But The

Size Of


Funeral Is

Still Going

To Depand

On The

W e a t h e r . . . ;->
Can U Tell Me Your Ingredients
B''coz I''ve Mixed 10000 Kg Of Sugar ,
10000 Kg Of Choclate & 10000 Kg
Of Honey But Still Cud''nt Make Person As Sweet As "U"
"I Cried Bcoz I Had No Shoes,


I Saw A Man With No Feet!"

Life Is Full Of Blessings

Sometimes We''re

Jst Too Blind To See Them
Those We Love Never Go Away

They Walk Beside Us Everyday ...



Still Near,

Still Loved,

Still Missed,


Still Very Dear ... :)
Keep The Smile
Leave The Tear

Think Of Joy
Forget The Fear

Hold The Laugh
Leave The Pain

Be Joyous till
I Message Again ... :)