simi SMS Messages36 messages

"life is very similar to a boxing ring.
Defeat is not final when you fall down.
it is final when you refuse to get up..."
Friendship is not about finding similarities, it is about respecting differences. You are not my friend coz you are like me, but because i accept you and respect you the way you are.
What’s the similarity between chewing gum & begum(wife) ??

Both are sweet at the beginning
become tasteless, shapeless and chipku in the eNd…
Do u know similarity
between Dinosaurs and Decent Girls?
Both don’t exist.
In the central place of every heart
there is a recording chamber.
So long as it receives a message
of beauty, hope, cheer, and courage --
so long are you young.
When the wires are all down
and our heart is covered
with the snow of pessimism
and the ice of cynicism,
then, and only then,
are you grown old.
Sacrifice is greater
than Love,
Character is greater
than Beauty,
humanity is greater
than Wealth,
Nothing is greater than
Good Relations..
And Good Relations
don''t necessarily
mean finding
Its just about
Differences .. (:
A GrEaT fRiEnDsHiP
Is FoRmEd
CoZ oF 2 ReAsOnS
1sT tO fInD oUt ThE
2nD iS tO rEsPeCt ThE
DifFeReNcEs ... :)
Friendship is not about finding similarities, it is about respecting differences. You are not my friend coz you are like me, but because i accept you and respect you the way you are
I Believe

As Diamonds Are Forever
Friends Are Also Forever

When They Are There Make You Smile
When You Are Going Through A Mile

Friends Are Like Flowers
Whose Fragnance Add Essence To Your Life

As A Dictionary Without Words Is Meaningless
similarly Your Life Without Friends Is Meaningless

As Words Build Sentences
Your World Is Built By Your FRIENDS (:
A friendship doesn''t
shine by shaking
hands in the best times
It blossoms by holding
the hands firmly in
critical times ...
Indeed, True friendship
doesn''t require religion,
cast or culture similarity
Infact need a lot of
understanding blended
with extreme care, respect
and sacrifice .. (-,=)
The Duck Looks Smooth n Calm On Top Of Water


Underneath Ther Is Restless Peddling . . .

similiarly In Life Nothing Worth while Comes
Without Struggle . . .
Any Gr8 relationship iz based on 2 imp thingz-

First iz 2 find out d similaritiez, n second iz 2 respect d differencez!