Friendship is not about

Friendship is not about
Friendship is not about finding similarities, it is about respecting differences. You are not my friend coz you are like me, but because i accept you and respect you the way you are

Jun, 16 2010     182 chars (2 sms)     2270 views       Friendship

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I''ve learnt many things from my Friends

They gave me the tricks for a stupid activity

They gave me money when I''m empty in college cantene

They raise their hands towards me for good-bye when I''m leaving them

They love me
They care me


I love them too....

But still I''ve a complaint

Stil They don''t teach me 1 thing


You know what?


They don''t teach me


How to live without them

Dedicated 2 my Friends ... (=
Heart never hate blood!

Flower never hate honey!

My heart never hate U & Ur Friendship
When a person calls u by a stupid name and never by ur own name.....
When they always get angry, whenever u tell them that u r busy and cant reply...
When they tell u everything about themselves even if its embarrassing. ..
When they come to c u, whenever they get a chance....
When u argue with each other on stupid things and then end up laughing....
Celebrate ur friends....
What Is Friendship ?

It Is A Ship Loaded With



Crossing The Sea Of Heart

Having No Wheels Of

BeSt FrIeNdZ

aRe LiKe

A FaVoUrItE pAiR

Of bLuE jEaNs ... !!!

tHeY gEt BeTtEr

As ThE TyM PaSsEs ... (:
The reality of the other person lies not in what he reveals to you but in what he cannot reveal to you. Therefore, if you would understand him, listen not to what he says but rather to what he does not say.
Friendship isn''t about whom you have known the longest, who came first , or who cares the best... Its all about who came and never left.
A Cute Thought 4 Those Who Believes In Frndship . . .

Its Not Necessary 2 Share Every Secret B/w True Frends
The Thing Is That What Ever U Share Shud Be True . . . :)
The Best Feeling In The World Is When U Think That Ur Friend Forgot U
U Receive A Msg From Ur Friend Saying = =
"Hey I Am Missing YOU Yaar <-:
A true friend is like a cool shadow of tree
When you get tired of hot weather
You sit under this shadow of friendship

"Be my true friend for always"
True frnds see u through,

believe in things u wanna do,

feel glad when ur dreams come true

Above all, they simply like u coz

"U r U"
Keep me as a friend I will keep in my heart lock it up
& throw the key that no one take you away from me