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SIMPLE & SMALL Commitments for Ramadan,
Think before speaking to avoid lies,badmouth and backbiting.
Don't watch movies/tv just for the sake of passing time.Read the Translation of Holy Qura'an sentence-wise.
Don't waste Dua time by switching on the tv before Aftar.It's the best time for acceptance of Dua.
Avoid anger or burning conflicts with people by deferring the issue or immediate resolution.
Remember,you are fasting.
May Allah enable us to reap Ramadan benefits.Aameen.
I sent my cares to the wind,
And ask the wind to pass them to u,
When u feel the wind blowing towards ur face that’s me,
Saying take care.
On This Wonderful Day,
A Star Of pure Love
Appeared To be
My Gift … My Present
And My Future


I Am Very Thankful
For All The Joy
You Bring Into My Life

Happy Birthday My Love.
Teacher:Correct the sentence "A bull & a cow is grazzing in the field"

Student:A cow & a bull is grazzing in the field.

Teacher:What is this ?

Student:Ladies First
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TEACHER: Kashif, give me a sentence starting with “I”.
Kashif: I is ……

TEACHER: No, Kashif. Always say, “I am.”
Kashif: All right… “I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.”
Treasure Every Moment That You Have. . .

Yesterday Is A History. . .

Tomorrow Is A Mystery. . .

Today Is A Gift. . .

That''s Why It''s
Called The Present. . .
Past is Xperience !

Present is Xperiment !

Future is Xpectation !

Use ur Xperience In Ur Xperiment To Achive ur Xpectations In All
Matters. . .
LiFe Is LiKe PiAnO . . .
WhItE KeYs RePrEsent HaPpInEsS & BlAcK OnEs ShoWs SaDnEsS . . .
BuT As U Go ThRoUgH LiFe . . .
ReMeMbEr ThAt
ThE BlAcK KeYs MaKe MuSiC ToO . . .
Happiness is not something u postpone 4 the future. It''s something u design 4 the present. Make each moment a happy one. I jus did it by remembering U! Have a nice day.
Squeeze the past like a sponge, smell the present like a rose, and send a kiss to the future. Gud Day!
I askd A Wise Man
How Do I Get Best Out Of Life ?

He Answered
''''Face Ur Past Widout Regret
Handle Ur Present Wid Confidence
Prepare For The Fture''''
Than He Added
''''Keep Faith & Drop The Fear
Don''t Beleive Ur Doubts
Never Doubt Ur Beleifs
Life Is Wonderfull
If U Know How To Live''''