moth SMS Messages190 messages

"Love is doing small things with great love."
-mother Teresa (1910-1997)
An Excellent Quote:

I Believe In Love

At First Sight!!


I Have Loved My

mother Ever

Since I Opened My Eyes...
SArdar In UK Hotel Khana Khane Gia

Wo Murgi Khana Chahta Tha Lekin Murgi Ki English Bhol Gia

Thy Askd Wht Do U Want SRdar G?

SArdar Replid: Éggs'' mother.)
Teacher: How Do You Differentiate
"WIFE" & "mothER"

Before Marriage We Sleep With "mothER"
After Marriage
We Sleep With
Santa- Y DO V
call our language
D mother tongue?

Banta: Bcoz D
father seldom
gets 2 speak
Sardar thought "LOL" mean
"lots of love".

So 1 Day His Friend''s mother Died
he Sent it in da Following txt
''''Sory 2 Hear About da Death of Your M0ther LOL'''':-D
{( tOdaYZ tHouGhT )}

When we are born, our mothers get the compliments and the flowers.
When we are married,

our brides get the presents and the publicity.

When we die, our widows get the life insurance.

What do women want to be liberated from?
{( tOdaYZ tHouGhT )}

The average man''s life consists of :
Twenty years of having his mother ask him where he is going,

Forty years of having his wife ask the same question,

and at the end, the mourners wondering too......:D
Never Worry About Numbers

Help One Person at A Time


Always Start With

The Person Nearest You. . .

~ mother Teresa ~
Never Worry About Numbers

Help One Person at A Time


Always Start With

The Person Nearest You. . .

~ mother Teresa ~
ShE Is oUr ConSolAtIOn iN sOrRoW

OuR HoPe In MiSeRy & OuR sTrEnGhT iN wEaKnesS

sHe Is ThE SUrCe Of |oVe, MeRcY & FoRgIvEnEsS

ShE Is NoN-OtHeR ThAn OuR

|| PeArL oF tHe DaY ||

" If ...

YoU StArt JuDgInG
PeOpLe ,

yOu WiLl Be HaViNg

No TiMe tO lOvE tHeM ... "

[mother Teresa]