morni SMS Messages564 messages

Let Us Not Worry
About The Future
Let Us Only Do
The Right Thing
Today, At This Moment
Here & Now
Let The Future Take Care Of Itself

G o_O d morning (:
You Cannot Make
Someone Love You
All You Can Do,
Is Be Someone
Who Can Be Loved ...

Good morning
Have A Blessed Day (:
Evry sunrise is a present
A gift 4m d God abve
Gift-wrapped wid scarlet ribbons & tied wid bows of luv
Ech is new beginning, a time 2 start anew
While all d stars r sleeping & d rose is fresh wid dew
Ech day''s a new creation, too lovely 2 ignore
& V may not find blessings, jst outside our door
V can''t keep d past, like fireflies in a jar
Nor journey 2 d future by wishing on a star
Evry sunrise is a blessing a gift 4 jst 2day
Rejoice, my friend embrace it b4 it fades away

Have RaInI, CaLm n BeAuTiFuL morninG

Have A Blessed Day (=
Sometimes someone says something really
small, and it just fits right into this empty
place in your heart..

Good morning Everyone
Our lives are always so hectic

with little time to spare,

but days get brighter

when u get a msg from someone

saying "Good morning...."
Once Great Alexendar Saw
A Child Playing With A Lion
He Surrendered His Sword
At The Child''s Feet.
Now The Child Has Grown Up
& Wishes You Good morning :-)
A Bird That
You Set Free
May Be Caught Again,


A Word That
Escapes Your Lips
Will Not Return ...

So Think Before You Leap

G o.O d morninG
If you think

You are too small to be efective,

You have never been in the dark with a "mosquito"

g O.o D morniNg
GOD Understands Our Prayers
Even When
V Can''t Find d Words To Say ''em

G o.0 d morninG

Live, Laugh, Love n Smile Who Knows 2morow May Not b (:
Good morning

Whenever U feel Urself
in d sea of

Just go & offer ur
prayer then bow Urself
be4 HIM !

Close Ur eyes
Now universe is mch
more bright, U''ll feel
better !

Tell HIM everything wid
tears. Don''t hide
HE know d heart !!

U must feel
HE is listening U
as a sincere friend

HE ''ll show U right way
HE ''ll solve Ur probs !


HE is d most merciful
He is d most beneficent
HE is d only LORD
HE is d great ALLAH ...
D o n '' t
W a i t
F o r
E x t r a o r d i n a r y
C i r c u m t a n c e s
T o
D o
G o o d
T r y
T o
U s e
O r d i n a r y
S i t u a t i o n

Good morning
''Change'' Doesn''t ''Happen''
When Circumstances ''Improve''
''Change'' ''Happens'' When "YOU" Decide To ''Improve'' Your Circumstances...

GoOd morninG (: