A Bird That You Set Free

A Bird That You Set Free
A Bird That
You Set Free
May Be Caught Again,


A Word That
Escapes Your Lips
Will Not Return ...

So Think Before You Leap

G o.O d MoRnInG

Jun, 07 2010     157 chars (1 sms)     1927 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

''Change'' Doesn''t ''Happen''
When Circumstances ''Improve''
''Change'' ''Happens'' When "YOU" Decide To ''Improve'' Your Circumstances...

GoOd MoRnInG (:
*Rising Sun Shiny Ray*

*Blue Sky Bright Day*

*Small Birds All They Say*

*We Pray Wish You A Nice *D A Y*

*"G O O D"*
Sun Can''t Come To earth

But Sends Love As Rays,

Cloud Can''t Come To River

But Sends Love As Rain,

Also I Can''t Come To U

But Sending Love & Care As SMS

Gud Morning
LiFe Is LiKe A
cHoCoLaTe BoX ..

EaCh ChOcOlAtE iS lIkE
a PoRtIoN oF lIfE ..

SoMe ArE cRuNcHy
SoMe ArE nUtTy
SoMe ArE sOfT

gOoD mOrNiNg (:
With Atomic And Meteoric Regards

My Volcanic Impulse Trembles Every Time

I Greet A Person With A Magnitude Of

Character And Charm Like You

Good Morning ... :)
A day may start or end without a message from me,
but believe me it won"t start or end without me thinking of u...
Gud Morning!
With petals of Roses, Palm full of Holy water, Light of full Sun, Fragrance of flower and grass with dew. I wish U a
v. special
GOOD Moning.
birds are chillaying
murgha is kukrukuing
chaand is doobing
sun is nikling
flowers are khushboo maring
peacock is naching

all are kahing
to u Good Morning


u r still soying???
Always ask GOD to give you what you deserve,Not what you
desire.Your desires may be few but you deserve a lot....
Good Morning..
Success is waking up in d morning n bounding out of bed
dere''s something out dere th8
U luv 2 do, th8 U believe in, th8 U r gud @,
sumhthng th8z bigger thn U r
U can hardly w8 2 get it agn...

g 0.o D
m O r N i N g .. (=
Love urself ,Flirt with ur understanding,Romance with dreams,
Get engaged with simplicity,Marry genuiness,Divorce the
ego...Thats Good Life... *Good Morning*....
It"s time for me to make a wish for U.... (wishin) ...
(wishin) ... done ! Do u know what I asked 4? I asked God to
make u happy all day long. Goodmorning