mori SMS Messages96 messages

Some people in life are a part of us,

Even though we Miss them,

We never Lose them bcoz we find

The Memories of time Spent

Together still living in us
There is only one difference between Dream and Aim.

Dream requires effortless sleep

Whereas Aim Requires Sleepless effort.

Keep trying to overcome inner beast which stops u offering ur prayers.

Good morining have a nice good day :)
"Subah" k phool khil gay,

"PANCHHI" apne safer pr URR gay,

"SURAJ" aate hi "TAARE" b chhup gay,

kya ap b apni MEETHI" neend se uth gye?

"GOOD moriNG"
My mind stops when I think of you

It takes me in the palm of your arms

Despite the distance that separates us

It reminds me your sweet eyes

It takes me to your kisses

My heart can not forget

I think of your smile

That keeps me awake

But I’ll eventually fly

To our story its just beginning.

I Love You
A daily thought…

A silent tear…

A Constant wish that u r near…

Words are few but thoughts r deep…

Memories of our frenship i’ll always keep!!
Sometime its better to bunk a class & do masti with friends...Bcoz
when i look back....
Marks never make me laugh but memories
We All Have 0ur Time
Some Take Us Back,
They`re Called
Some Take Us Forward,
They`re Called
"DREAMS" ... :)

g ()_0 d
/\/ ! t 3 ...
So many wonderful years in all kinds of weather,
Thinking of u father brings memories to mind,
Wonderful moments I will forever treasure,
I love u so dearly.
Happy Fathers Day!
Some Broken Heart, May Never Mend,

Some Memories May Never End,

Some Wet Tears May Never Dry,

But My Love For You Will Never Die...
Seprations r those wounds

dat nobody can heal

& memoris r those treasurs

dat nobody can steal.

But dont separate to make memories.

so plz stay in touch !!!
One fine day,all of us wil get busy with our lives,long working hours,friends and sms,won''t have time for ourselves,at such a day you''ll look outside your
window and see the good old memories flash you by and you''ll get a smile with a tear in your eyes and you''ll turn back to your work thinkin i wish i could go
back.. thank u for being a part of such memories
S . M . S DoEsN''T MeaN "Short Messaging Service"
It Only Means " Sweet . Memories . Shared "
WiD A sPeCiaL, LoViNg, CarInG & SwEEt PeRsOn LiKe U . . . :->