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TOdayz ThughT

"Fear is ur Best Frnd or ur
Worst Enemy.

iT''s Like Fire.

If u Can Control it,iT Can
Cook 4u,iT Can Heat ur House.

iF u Can''t Control iT,

iT Will Burn Every Thing
Around u & Destroy u.

iF u Can Control ur Fear,

iT Makes u more Alert,
Like A Deer Coming
Across d Lawn."
\=== ToDaYzZz ThOuGhT ===/

Patience is not much about
It is more about how one
behaves while waiting
To be kind is more important than to be right.
Often people need a patient heart that listens.
Not a brilliant mind that speaks.
|. . . ToDaYz ThOuGhT . . .|

A friend who is far away is sometimes much nearer than one who is at hand. Is not the mountain far more awe-inspiring and more clearly visible to one passing through the valley than to those who inhabit the mountain. . .

Khalil Gibran . . .
A LiTTle Less Ego, A LiTTle more UnDeRstanDing.
A LiTTle Less Argument, A LiTTle more ConCerN.
Thats What Keeps ReLaTions ForEvEr & EvEr
Thought of the day

Expect more from ur-self than others,

Becoz expectation from others hurts a lot,

while expectation from ur-self inspires a lot.

That''s life
t0DaYz tHoUgHt |

Love is a noble act of self-giving, offering trust, faith, and loyalty. The more you love, the more you lose a part of yourself, yet you don''t become less of who you are; you end up being complete with your loved ones
''''we must

not wasTe

life In

devising meAns

it is bettEr

to plAn less
and no more''''
Tragedy of life:

Just about the time

when our income gets us

to a point where

food prices dont

matter anymore,

Calories start to

matter! ;-)
Dont Pray For A Path Less Difficult


Pray For A Path more Challenging

Only Then
Will U Not Pray To Find A Partner To LUV


Pray To Find Someone Worthy Of Ur LUV
Extending One Hand To Help Somebody

Has more Value

Than Joining Two hand

For Prayers . . .
3 Sentences For Getting Success
a) Know more Than Other
B) WORK more Than Other
C) EXPECT more Than Other