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Always Bear In Mind

That Your Own

Resolution To Succeed

Is more Important Than

Any One Thing ...

~ Abraham Lincoln ~
Teacher:Can You Spell
A Word That Has more
Than 100 Letters In It?

Sardar:Post Office
don''t say anything I am fed out. I don''t have now any more interest in teasing and insulting Sardars and Other animals, So I have decided to say sorry

wud try my best to carry on my previous task.
Forgiveness is a sign that the

person who has wronged

you means more to you

than the wrong they have dealt.
| = = = TodAyzZz ThOuGhT = = = |

"Great results come from great effort and perseverance. The more impossible it seems on the way, the greater you will enjoy your success."
\= = = A BeAutIfUl ThOuGhT = = =/

U mAy tHiNk thAt TiMe MaKeS pEoPLe fOrgEt.. BuT tHe LoNgEr thE TimE pEoPLe SpEnD aPaRt, thE more iT MakEs tHEm REMEMBER eAcH oThEr…
\ = = = TodAyzZz ThOuGhT = = = /

A successful man is 1 who makes more money
than his wife cn spent.. & A successful women is 1 who can
find such a man.... ;->
\ = = = TodAyzZz ThOuGhT = = = /

A successful man is 1 who makes more money
than his wife cn spent.. & A successful women is 1 who can
find such a man.... ;->
2DaYz ThouGhT

Nothing Is Worth more Den Dis Day.U Cant Relive Yesterday.
2mmorow Is Still Beyond Ur Reach. So Go Ahead Live 2day.
Bcoz It''ll Never Cum 2mmorow.
Friends, yeh hai zindagi,

Requirements hai to design hai

Design hai to Development hai

Development hai to Testing hai

Testing hai to Defects hai

Defects hai to Fixing hai

Fixing hai to more Defects hai

Defects hai to Analysis hai

Analysis hai to Requirements hai

Requirements hai to Design hai

Design hai to Development hai

Matlab Project Gol Gol hai

Bus ghumnewala chahiye..
ToDaYz Th0uGht

Words R One Of Our Cheif Means Of Adjusting To All D Situations Of Lyf
D Better Control V Hve On Our Words
D more Sucesful Our Adjustment Wil b
A strong and positive attitude creates more miracles Than any Other thing, B''coz.. Life is 10% How U make it; And 90% How U Take it..