mina SMS Messages93 messages

A Relationship
Should Have
The Determination
Like A Mirror
Which Never Loses
Its Ability To Reflect
If It Is Broken In To
Thousand Pieces
A girl sitting in examination hall with sardar ji
Girl: sardar ji mein tuwadi nakal mar laa?..
Sardar: ahoo to meri nakel maar lay fair mein teri asal mar lawa ga...
May the noor of this month illuminate ur heart, mind and soul n
may all ur duas be answered. Remember me in your prayers.
May you always have...
Enough happiness to keep you sweet,
Enough trials to keep you strong,
Enough sorrow to keep you human,
Enough hope to keep you happy,
Enough failure to keep you humble,
Enough success to keep you eager,
Enough friends to give you comfort,
Enough wealth to meet your needs,
Enough enthusiasm to look forward,
Enough determination to make
Each day better than yesterday!
The Law Sayz,
"If U Can''t Convince Someone, Confuse Them!"

Do U Know Which Law It Is?

This Is "Law Of Answering In Examination"...:-)
A single candle can illuminate an entire room.
A true friend lights up an entire lifetime
Thanks for the bright lights of your friendship.
A Friend Is One Who
Advise You To Study


A Best Friend Is One
Who Stands In
Examination Hall n Says

"Abay Kitna Likhega?
Larkiya''n Ja Rahi Hyn" ;->
Desire is the key to motivation. . .
but it''s determination and commitment
to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal
a commitment to excellence
that will enable you to attain the success you seek. . .
As You Travel Through Life
Your Dreams Will Guide You
Determinations Will Get Ypu There
And Love Will Provide The Greatest Scenery Of All. . .
The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.
As you travel through life

Your dreams will guide you

Determination will get you there

And love will provide the greatest scenery of all.
The Most Determinative & Motivating

Sentence Which Shud Always

Be Followed In Life.


Because I Haven''t WON Yet.->