memory SMS Messages60 messages

A memory lasts 4Ever

Never Does it Die

True Freinds Stay 2Gether

Never say GOOD BY.
Time Might Lead Me
Sumwhere Away 4m
U & Fate Might Wipe
Me 4m Ur memory...
BUT I Will Always B
Thankful 2 God Dat
Once In A Life''s Jorney
V Bcame
FRIENDS... <-:
Why We Make Friends ???

They Understand
Just By Looking In Ur

U Can Say
Something Stupid Or
Expose Ur Deepest
Secrets To Them

They Believe In
Ur Dreams, No Matter
How Silly They May Seem

They Love U
For Wh8 U r

& Finally

Everything U Do Together
Becomes A memory ... =)
Friendship is lyk a
Gold Chan
Ech link is a memory
4m past 2 present
Nvr let d Chain break
or else Frndship ''ll b
Gold is valuable as d
Frendship is ... :)
The timeless in you is aware of life''s timelessness; and knows that yesterday is but today''s memory and tomorrow is today''s dream.

Khalil Jibran. . .
LiFe Is TrAvElLeD OnLi OnCe..2dAy''s MoMeNt BeCuMs 2mOrOw''S memory...EnJoY EvRy MoMeNt..No MaTtEr GoOd Or bAd ....CoZ D gIfT Of LiFe Is LiFe ItSeLf!!!
Wives Of
King Edward & King Shahjahan
Both died of
"Polycystic Ovary Syndrome"
in the same year
Both Kings immensly
loved their Wives
But Both had a different
way of expressing it
Shahjahan spent Billions
to make "Taj Mahal" in
memory of the beloved
King Edward built the
"University For Research"
Proclaiming that no one
else should die of the disease
which had snatched his
beloved Wife

"Such differences of thinking
determines the causes of
Rise Or Fall Of Nations ... "
Forest king Virappan died last week. In his memory let us all
switch off our mobiles for 2 mins. Plz forward this to all local
criminals, as I did.

silence 4


in memory

of those poor mosquitoes

who died

last nite

aftr drinking

ur blood,

they had

a heavy



u r

so SWEET!!!
Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end.
Love is a symbol of eternity. . . .
It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning
All fear of an end. . .
Perfect Love Is Not Receiving
It''s Giving & Frgiving
Perfect Love Isn''t Red Roses On Valentine''s Day
It''s The Rest Of 364 Days Of Knowing U Love Someone
Perfect Love Is Nt Phone Calls & Stolen Kisses
It''s The Silent Smile In The memory Of Ur Sweet Heart
Perfect Love Is Not A Grand wedding But Spending A Life Time Together
Perfect Love Is Not The First Kiss & Make-up
Its Loving The ONE Who Annoys The Hell Out You . . .