in love SMS Messages152 messages

You Know You''re

in love When You

Don''t Wanna Go To Sleep

At Night Because

Your Life Is Better Than A Dream.
If Bird Fell in love With A Fish , Where Would They Live ?

Who Keeps The Fin , Who Loses Its Wings

That''s An Irony ... But That Is How Cruel

Yet Poetic Love Can be
The Sweetest Way 2 Propose

"Excuse Me ,

Do You Have

A Band Aid

B''coz I Hurt My

Knee When I

Fell in love With U "
Love Is A Fire.

But Whether It Is Going To

Warm Your Heart Or Burn Down Your House,

You Can Never Tell

Everyone Says You

Only Fall in love

or don''t fall in love".
No genuine lover loves d face,they love the heart.

No heart falls in love by choice,its by chance.

No one stays in love by chance, its by faith..!
No genuine lover loves d face,they love the heart.

No heart falls in love by choice,its by chance.

No one stays in love by chance, its by faith..!
Every Man Is Afraid Of


That''s How You Know

He''s in love With You

When He Is Afraid Of Losing You.
Do Not Seek

The " Because "...

in love There Is

No " Because "

No " Reason "

No "Explanation "

No " Solution " ...
It''s not that we fall in love with people because they are immensely attractive.

It''s that they seem immensely attractive because we''ve fallen in love with them.
You Know When U''re
Truly in love ...
When All U Can Do Is Just
Be Speechless & Stare At Nothing
U''re Just Amazed That
U Just Found This
Incredible Person ...
Love Is No Secret
Express What You
Have Inside
If The Both Of You
You Will Realize A
New Thing You Know
You Are in love ... :)