in love SMS Messages152 messages

That Smile that comes on your face so sudden,
So sweet that I can almost taste;
Those Eyes that I see you batting away,
Makes me forget my haste.
That Hair that you run your fingers through,
So deep and dark like a Raven;
With all that in mind, how can I forget you,
When ‘tis you where I find my heaven.
The way you Laugh at a single joke,
It sounds like the Tinkle of a bell;The cent of you after a shower,
for which I thank God that in love with YOU I fell
No Matter Where You Go..No Matter What You Do..
If We Grow Apart..Or Come Closer Together..
If You Fall in love..And Forget All About Me..
Or If You Came To Hate Me..I Want You To Know That
I Will Always Love You..And Always Be There For You..
No Matter Where Your Destiny Lies..You Will Always Be My Friend..
And If Fate Tears Us Apart..Always Remember That
No Matter How Long It Has Been Since We Talked..
Or Why We Stopped Talking..If Life Brings You Down..
I Will Always Be There For You..You Can Call Me Anytime..Anywhere..
I Will Listin To You..I Wont Ever Judge You..And Always Remember..I Love You
Accidents do happen.
i slip- i trip- i stumble-
i fall & usually i dont
care at all.but now i dont
know what to do coz
i slipped and fell in love with u…..
Love and relationships are truly one of the most paradoxical aspects of being human. For it is in love that we find the greatest of strengths and the deepest of sorrows. Love can seem to be so fleeting and unachievable yet it remains well within our reach if we only learn how to embrace it''s power. To experience true love, we must be willing to open ourselves up and sacrifice part of our heart and part of our soul. We must be willing to give of ourselves freely, and we must be willing to suffer. It is only when we expose our inner selves to the white hot flame of rejection, that love can burn so brightly as to join to souls, melding the two into one, creating a bond that joins forever. It is from this bond that we draw strength eternal and power ever lasting
Don''t find love, let love find you.
That''s why it''s called falling in love
because you don''t force yourself to fall, you just fall.
Once you accept someone for who and what
they really are, they will surprise you
by being better than you ever expected.
LOVE is loving/accepting a person with all
his/her strength and weaknesses.
We all want to fall in love. . .

Why. . ?

Because that experience makes us feel completely alive. Where every sense is heightened, every emotion is magnified, our everyday reality is shattered and we are flying into the heavens. It may only last a moment, and hour, an afternoon. But that doesn''t diminish its value. Because we are left with memories that we treasure for the rest of our lives. . .
Do you want to know a good way to fall in love. . . ?

Just associate all your pleasant experiences with someone,
and disassociate from all the unpleasant ones . . . .
The scariest thing about falling in love is getting hurt.
The scariest thing about getting hurt is not being able to love again.
The scariest thing about not loving again is being alone FOREVER.
How can you tell the sun not to shine, when clouds exist. How can you ask leaves not to fall when wind exists. How can you tell me not to fall in love when you exist.
Everytime I look into your eyes, I fall in love again. I know that I''ve only known you for less than a tenth of my life, but I feel like I''ve known you since the dawn of time.

I''m never tire of looking at your pictures, reading your letters that you''ve written to me. All of these things keep me so happy and feeling so blessed that I have truly found the one person that I want to spend eternity with. You are the only person on earth that has ever been able to calm me down when I get worked up. Talking to you makes my day great.
More often we fall in love

with a person we can never have

& Sometimes the one we truly love

remains either a friend or a stranger
He who is in love
is wise and is becoming wiser,
sees newly every time he
looks at the object beloved,
drawing from it with his eyes
and his mind those virtues
which it possesses.