illness SMS Messages14 messages

In Our Life, Six Things Can Come At Any Time





4- illness


6- ?

Su Su

"Is liye kar k sona!"
9 Most Brain
Damaging Habits

1. No breakfast
2. Over eating
3. Smoking
4. High sugar
5. Air pollution
6. Sleep deprivation
7.Head covered while
8. Working with your
brain during illness
9. Talking rarely

Forward To Whom
You Care About ... :)
Across skies, the sun starts to limn
Waking up to a morning hymn
Roosters’ crow and sparrows tweet
In deep slumber, an alarm sweet

Strumming upon the leafy ground
Sweepers crafting a hip sound
Coffee poured and buckets filled
Streams gurgling, dreams fulfilled.

In the kitchen, vessels clang and fall
At a crescendo, milkman starts to call
Telephones ring, radio springs alive
Joggers pant, in harmony all dive.

As the band plays, starts all festivity
From stillness of night, a sudden levity
To awaken me, do thy make all the fuss
In pure merriment, I wake up thus

Fill my ears again, before I yawn
Haunt with visuals of a glorious Eon
From morning dew, a lesson reborn
Learn and listen to symphony at dawn
Reflections of a Beautiful Morning

The sun rises above the hillcrest,
As does the joy of my heart;
Rays of warmth and love,
From her I will never depart.

Fresh dew upon the grass,
Young birds chirp in their nests;
I watch her gently sleep,
My love to her I silently profess.

I enjoy the stillness and calm,
Watching as she smiles and dreams;
She brings me to stillness and peace,
Like that of a slow flowing stream.

My heart and soul flow with love,
And I smile as I quietly reflect;
I’ve been handed a sweet princess,
A sweet princess to love and to protect.

A vow to myself I make,
As she quietly sleeps away;
To love and always cherish her,
Until my last breath... until my last day.
Friendship Is A Lifelong Incurable Disease
Happy Heart
Lots Of Laughs
Few Fights
Couple Of Tears
Some Hugs n
Many Pointless Convrsations Via Sms Or Calls

If You''ve Any Of d Above Symptoms, Don''t Panic
Just Turn 2 GOD n Thank HIM 4 Blessing You Wid d Best illness Of d World (=
Let’s Go, Get Up, Stop Faking It;
Get Your Sorry Behind Off That Bed.
Try Positive Thinking To Get Back To Work.
Your illness Is All In Your Head!
At Least That’s What We Hope.
Looking Forward To Your Return.

Get Well Soon.
EpPy WiNtEr SeAsOn

Winter teachez us abt detachment, numbness, but its a way 2 get through
4m winter V learn silence & acceptance & d stillness thickens
1)Sometimes, God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
2)Sometimes, He breaks our heart to make us whole.
3)Sometimes, He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
4)Sometimes, He sends us failure so we can be humble.
5)Sometimes, He sends us illness so we can take better care of ourselves.
6)Sometimes, He takes ''everything'' away from us so we can learn the value of ''everything'' we have
Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don''t know how to replenish it''s source.

It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds;

it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings.
Love Never Dies A Natural Death.

It Dies Because We Don''t Know How To Replenish Its Source.

It Dies Of Blindness And Errors And Betrayals.

It Dies Of illness And Wounds;

It Dies Of Weariness, Of Witherings, Of Tarnishings.
In Our Life
6 Things Can COme At Any Time




4 illness


6. ????

''''SU SU ''''

Is Liye Kr K Sona

GoOd NiGhT ;->
In Our Life, Six Things Can Come At Any Time





4- illness


6- ?

Su Su

"Is liye kar k sona!"