EpPy WiNtEr SeAsOn

EpPy WiNtEr SeAsOn
EpPy WiNtEr SeAsOn

Winter teachez us abt detachment, numbness, but its a way 2 get through
4m winter V learn silence & acceptance & d stillness thickens

Jun, 16 2010     157 chars (1 sms)     2759 views       Greeting

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Everyday is a happy day

as long as you text me once a day.

I tell you, this is no lie.

A text from you always

makes me smile.
Kashmir Is Very Beautiful Valley But Under

The Control Of India,

Today is Kashmir Day, So Please Pray For Muslims
Of Kashmir.

May Allah Give Them Freedom


Also Pray For (Palasteen) Gaza''s Muslims

That They Get Freedom From Isreel.

Nothing in nature is 4 itself

Rivers don''t drink their own water

Trees don''t eat their own fruit

Sun doesn''t give heat 4
Flower don''t spread fragrance 4 themselves

Living 4 others is the way of life...!

Have A Blessed Day (:
EpPy WiNtEr SeAsOn

Winter teachez us abt detachment, numbness, but its a way 2 get through
4m winter V learn silence & acceptance & d stillness thickens
V hve been givin tribute to a
number ov famous people,
But 2day on 11.Sep 4got d real gr8 man
"Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah"
Lets do th8, Jst say 1ce
Quaid-e-Azam Paindabad
Every little smile can touch somebody's heart.
May u find 100's of reasons to smile today!
May u be the reason for someone else to smile!
Good Day!
You may think it''s over ...
It''s just beginning.
Enjoy the journey
with your new
little one,
It will be a great ride .. :)
May the festival of Sankranti

bring joy and prosperity

in your life,

Happy Pongal!
This Baby Is Your
I Wish Happiness In
Every Way
Good Luck
God Bless,
I Say And Many Blessings
And Wishes,
To Welcome Baby
Into Your Life Today.... :)
This Morning I Got A Call From Heaven,

They Said They Were Missing An Angel...

But Don''t Worry,

I Won''t Tell Them U R Here...

Good Evning..
Aye Quaid !

Tare baad bhi guzre hyn kuch log ,

Magar teri khushbu na gai raah-guzar se . . .!

Happy Quaid Day
* H A P P Y *
Means "Khush" =P ;-