good SMS Messages1058 messages

EvErY sUnSeT gIvEs
Us OnE dAy LeSs To
LiVe !!


eVeRy SuNrIsE gIvEs
OnE mOrE dAy To
HoPe !!

So HoPe FoR tHe
BeSt ... !!

good MorNiNg
good LuCk ... :}
FoRgEt ThE sOrRoWz
LiKe NeW sUn ShInE,
aLwAyZ fEeL good aBoUt
YoUrSeLf No Ma88eR
wHaT sIzE yOu ArE .. !!

G o_O d

HaVe A LoVe fIlLeD dAy (:
Dosti ka sara kaam mujhe he karna parta hai

Love bhi

Miss bhi

Care bhi

Sms bhi

Chalo ab eik kaam aap bhi kar do. . .

Eik sweet see smile pas kar do. . .
Ta''kay hamari

Very Very good Ho jae . ;->
Do u know the meaning of Morning?
Morning means!

One MORE INNING given by ''ALLAH'' to Play and Win!


good Morning
& have a lovely win innings day
Learn to get in touch wid Silence
within yourself,
and know that everything in dis lye has purpose. There r no mistakes,
no coincidences,
all events r blessings given
to us to learn from...

G o_O d

Have A good Day =)
If You Can, Help Others.......
If You Cannot Do That, At least Do Not Harm Them....

good Morning

Have Nice Day (:
A good Plan For
Today Is Better
Than A Great
Plan For Tomorrow
Look Backward With
Look Forward With
Confidence ...

good Morning (:
People Don''t Care

How Much You Know !!


They Know ,

How Much You Care .. !!

good Morning ... (=

Stay Blessed
Working Towards Success ''ll Make U A Master
Working Towards Satisfaction Makes U a Legend
Strive for Excelence
Be a Legend

good A.M
Stay Blessed (:
You Cannot Make
Someone Love You
All You Can Do,
Is Be Someone
Who Can Be Loved ...

good Morning
Have A Blessed Day (:
Sometimes someone says something really
small, and it just fits right into this empty
place in your heart..

good Morning Everyone
Our lives are always so hectic

with little time to spare,

but days get brighter

when u get a msg from someone

saying "good morning...."