good SMS Messages1058 messages

Night is longer than day for those who DREAM & day is longer than night for those who make their DREAMS
come true.
Wish you good Night & Sweet Dreams. . .
Ho Chuki Raat Bahut Ab So Bhi Jaiye

Jo Hai Dil Ke Karib Uske Khyalo Me Kho Bhi Jaiye...

Kar Raha Hoga Koi Intezar Aapka,

Khwabon Me Sahi Mil To Aaiye. . . .

good NiGhT . . .
You are the reason why I have sleepless nights. You are the reason why I tend to hold my pillow tight. It''s you that I''m thinking when I lay down at night. And you are the reason I can''t sleep without saying goodnight.
I MaY Not Be a cLocK ThaT maY TexT yOu 24hrs a DaY But My HeArt Will bE LikE a CloCk ThAt will nOt sToP CarIng & SayInG U r aLwaYs RemeMbEreD.
TakE CaRe
good NiTe
People Love Money but I Love U Honey, People Love red Shirt but I Love your red Heart, People Love black Ties but I Love your black Eyes,
People Love cold Air but I Love your black Hairs,
People Love sailing Ships but I Love kissing your Lips, People Love Ice Creams but I Love to see you in my Dreams

good NiGhT SwEeT HeArT :)
Since ur eyes are
looking tired...
Let ur
eye lashes hug each
other for few hours. . .

Happy journey into the
world of dreams. . .

good Night
good Night

Sleep Tight

Sweet Dreams

For what u r pressing button?

that''s all

Lorie bhi sunau kya? ;->
Sun Is Upset
Moon Is Happy
Sun Is Missing U
Moon Is Going To Be With You The Whole Night....
good Night
A day is going to end again. It is nice to have a friend like U making my everyday seems so great.
Thank U my good friend lastly gud nite n sweet dreams...
It’S My Pray

WheN U SlEeP






AlSo SlEeP 4EvEr


WhEn U GeT Up


SuCcEsS Of LiFe

GeT uP WiD U 4eVeR


good NiTe & SwEeT drEaMs
. ‘ 12 ‘ .
9 !/ 3
‘ . 6 . ‘

. ‘ 12 ‘ .
9 !_ 3
‘ . 6 . ‘

. ‘ 12 ‘ .
9 _! 3
‘ . 6 . ‘
still awake?
Time to sleep,
good NITE
tHiNgS 2 tAkE nOtE wHen u slEEp
1st: MisS mE
2nd: lOVe Me
3rd: KiSs mE
4th: HuG mE,
tRy 2 slEEp nOw ClOsE YoUr EyEs & gEt pRePaReD drEEm Of me.
good NiGhT