good morning SMS Messages316 messages

Never forget the power your dreams have. Believing in them gives you strength; focus on them and they will come true. Visions of tomorrow help you set the standard for today. Remember life is a journey, you should enjoy the ride

good morning


SuStaIn BlEsSed
Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you are riding through the ruts, don''t complicate your mind. Flee from hate, jealousy, and mischief. Don''t bury your thoughts; put your vision to reality. Wake up and live

good morning
As u face a brand new day, bow ur head & say this prayer:
"Thank u God for giving me this gud luking and cute sender. May his smartness increases everyday. (Ameen)"

good morning ;->
Hope U start da day ,

Bieng wat U lyk 2 b ,

Seeing wat U luv 2 see ,

Doing wat U plan 2 do ,

And having all ur wishes cum true

good morning . . . . ;->
*good morning*

Utho Sathiyo Aur Mulk Ka Kuch Bhala Karo!


Acha Tum Ho...


Tum To Wapis So Jao Issi Main He Mulk Ka Bhal Hai...

*Good Night*
Never look back...
Never regret...
Never remember
the people you''ve met.
Never begin...
And never end...
Never say never
when it comes to your friends!

~~good morning~~
“U should be either in a part of problem “


“U should be either in a part of solution”

So start u r day in ur own style..

good morning
good morning...

mAy GOd GIvE yOu A fREsH
sUpPLY Of StREnGth
To YoUr jOb,
AnnOinT YoUr pRojEcts,
BLesS yOuR iDeAs,
sO thAt EvEn YoUr SMaLLesT

GOD blEss YoU

kEEp sMiliNg

TAkE CaRe!!
My Dreams Are My Own,
Dont Try To Take ''Em Away From Me,
I Cant Predict The Future,
I Cant Change The Past,
I Have Just The Present Moment,
I Must Treat It As My Last !

good morning-
The Earth And The Sky Both Know That

They Can Never Meet. Still When The Skys

Heart Suffers In Pain, The Eyes Of Earth Flood With Tears . . .

This Feeling Of The Earth For The Sky . . .

Is Love.

good morning
When You Speak From Your Heart

And Say The Words Your Soul Has Only

Dared To Whisper,

That''s When Miracles Happen !!

So, Believe In Yourself

good morning
_Y__o__ 6am

.;'';'';. o
_Y_____ 7am

_Y_____ 8am

good morning!.....