good morning SMS Messages316 messages

If U''re Feeling Low

Don''t Despair ...

The Sun Has A Sinking Spell Every Night


It Comes Back Up Every Morning ... =)

~.~ good morning ~.~
Travelling Down The Memory Lane

Is Not Eye Filled With Tears.

Travelling Down The Memory Lane

Brings Fresh And Soothing Air.

Travelling Down The Memory Lane

Is A Test Of Time And Mind

Travelling Down The Memory Lane
Is A Joy Of It''s Kind

good morning
The Sun Rises In To The Sky With
The Warmest Smile

He Wishes You A good morning

Hoping That That You have
The Perfect Day

Gud Morning
Take Care
HE Sends Us Sunshine In The Morning

HE Listens To You When You Talk

He Could Live Anywhere In The World ,

Yet HE Choose To Live In Your Heart

Face It GOD Is In LOVE With You

good morning ...

God Bless ... =)
Every Evening I Turn My

Worries Over To God.

He''s Going To Be

Up All Night Anyway.

good morning
Sun Glows
4 A Day,

Candle 4 An Hour Matchstick 4 A Minute,

A Good Day Can Glow 4eve,

So Start Ur Day With A SMILE On Ur Face,

good morning...!!!
Let Us Dance In The Sun, Wearing Wild Flowers In Our Hair
And Let Us Huddle Together As Darkness Takes Over
We Are At Home Amidst The Birds And The Trees,
For We Are Children Of Nature.

good morning...!!!
Shadow of yesterday
Have faded away,
Sun has reappeared
It’s a brand new day

Birds singing their song
Loud and clear,
Announcing to the world
A new day is here,

Sun appears in the east
Has begun a new quest,
In the middle at noon
And then sets in the west,

Wishing you contentment
And peace along the way
good morning to you
And have a nice day:)
She is hot !
She is sweet !
She always Needs A lip 4 kiss
Whole world is Mad 4 her !
Who ? Who is she ?
Do you know ?


Chai piyo Mast jio … good morning !!!

Just Don''t Give Up Trying To Do

What You Really Want To Do ...

Where There Is


I Don''t Think You Can Go Wrong ....

good morning ... =)

Ne Off Ki


Ne Shuru Ki Shining,


Ne Di Hy Warning,

K Ho Gai Hy "Morning"
Me B Bol Dun Apko

good morning ... =)
Don''t Judge

Each Day By The Harvest You Reap


By The Seeds You Plant

good morning


Have Blessed Day ... =)