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Friendship is a silent gift of nature..
More old .. more strong..
More deep.. more clear..
More close.. more warm..
Less words.. more understanding..
The feeling of friendship starts from the eyes.

If u try to close ur eyes,

friendship turns in to a drop of tear

and remains in ur heart forever
When U Count The Best Friends

U May Not Count Me

When U Cunt The close Friends

U May Not Count Me


When U Really Need A True Friend

Just Start Frm Me
_ (-_-) _
Can u close ur eyes 4 minutes plz...!

Thank u...

Did u c?
Hw dark it iz...

Thiz iz life withiout sweet frends... so have gud frend me!
Among the most disheartening and dangerous of . . . advisors, you will often find those closest to you, your dearest friends, members of your own family, perhaps, loving, anxious, and knowing nothing whatever . . .
(-_-) Can u close Ur Eyes For a Minute Plz.
Thank You
Did You Feel How Dark it Was?
This is My Life Without a Sweet Friend Like U
In my dreams, we were never apart.
in my dreams you kept me close.
in my dreams you loved me the most.
in my dreams we''re always togather,
might as well be dreaming forever
''''Art of LIVING''''

1st of All
Don''t make frnds
if Done
Then Don''t Go much 2 close them,
if Gone

Then Don''t Love them,

if loved

Then plz Don''t Leave them
Friendship is a silent gift of Nature.

More old more Strong.

More deep more Clear.

More close more Warm..


Less words more Understanding. . . =)
Good FRIENDS Care For Each Other..
close Friends
Understand Each Other...
And TRUE Friends Stay
Beyond Words,
Beyond Time...**
Friends Are Like Wedgies ...

They''re Intimately close

They Know Your Inner Self


It Feels Great When You Pick Out A Good One ... ;->
A Friend Is Like A Shade Tree
Beside A Summer Way.

A Friend Is Like The Sunshine
That Makes A Perfect Day.

A Friend Is Like A Flower
That''s Worn close To The Heart.

A Friend Is Like A Treasure
With Which One Will Not Part.