care SMS Messages455 messages

It’s not your mistake if you can''t read
the eyes which cheats u but it''s really
your mistake if you can''t read the
eyes which cares you.

Life is like having a cup of coffee...

You sit by the window,
lift the cup,
take a careless sip,
and find no sugar..

Too lazy to go for the sugar, you somehow manage with that sugarless cup..

On finishing,
you discover undissolved sugar crystals settled at the bottom...!

Thats how life is..!

We do not make any effort to value n find what is around or within us.

So look around.
May be the sweetness you are looking for is closer than u think..!
Caring for someone is easy but making someone care for you is hard. Now I keep wondering how did you make it so easy for me to care for you.
Someone Remembers, Somebody cares, YOUR Name Is Whispered In Somebody’s Prayers, Keep The Bright Hope Of Sunshine In View, Someone Is Warmly Thinking Of You
u seem to be much careless nowdays...
alwayz leaving your things here and
c what hav u done now u just came in
my mind and left a smile on my face.
One hurts you, so that you may find someone who can heal you.
If nobody is there to hurt u, u will never know d person who cares for U.
Gold Rate Keeps On Increasing Day By Day.

Im So Worried Abt u,

Be careful Some1 May Kidnap U


U R Da prsn WiD A 24 carret
Take care

-2 tablets of luv

-2 tablets of care

-Syrup of Smile

Twice daily..

My fees:one sms wenevr u think about me!
A Prayer can g0, where i can''t g0.
Thr0ugh PRAYER i can b with U, i care with0ut being there.
I may b miles away 4m U,bt my Prayers r alwz vd U!
When u r blessed,He is Rehman.
When u R cared,He is Wadood.
When u R gifted,He is Kareem.
When u R forgiven,He is Ghafoor!
May Allah be with You. . .
When a msg is sent 4m a distance,
U can''t c the faces,
U can''t c the smiles,
But u can sense d care that truly comes 4m d Heart 2 say u "Take care". . . |''!''|
Love . . . . . .

Friends . . . . . .

care . . . . . .

[ These All Fun & Games Until Someone Gets Hurt. . . . .Then Its Hilarious ]