care SMS Messages455 messages

Friendship is like a glass
handle it with care
because once broken cannot be mended
and even if mended....
a crack is always there !!!
be careful in selection of words bcz words spoken are like an
arrow shooted from a bow ur harsh words may bring scratches on
the cd of heart!

mother"s love

father"s advice

brother"s care

sister"s fight

baby"s smile


Oye "apni frndhip..yaar"....
10 messages received,
1, HI,
2, Hello,
3, I miss U,
4 How r U?,
5, hope ur fine,
6, keep smilling,
7, Take care,
8, God bless U,
9, Be happy,
10, Gud night.!
Freinship is Sincarity, Loyality, Honest & Trust is first step of Freinship.

To Find a Sincare freind is like that to Find a DAIMOND in MANY STONES.
If care i$ a WAVE,
i give u $EA.
i give u TREE.
i give u GALAXY,
i give u MINE 4 FREE..keep $milin....!
frindeship not an eaxam to pa$s or fail..
Frinde$hip i$ not a competition to win or Lo$e..
It i$ feeling in wich yo care for $am one more than your$elf.....
One Injection Of

One Tablet Of

One Tbs Syrup Of

One Drip Of

Take 3 Tyms A Day

It''s All Necessary 4 The Health Of
Friendship is like a book,
It takes only few seconds to burn.
But it takes years to print,
So print it very carefully and never let it burn.
10 messages received, 1, HI, 2, Hello, 3, I miss U, 4 How r U?, 5, hope ur fine, 6, keep smilling, 7, Take care, 8, God bless U, 9, Be happy, 10, Gud night.!
when u r sad.........i will try ur tears
when u r scared.........i will confort ur fears
when u r worried........i will give u hope
when u r confused.......i will give u cope
and when u r lost.......and cant see the light
i shall be ur beacon.....shining ever so bright
this is my oath........i pledge tillthe end
why u may ask?........because u r my friend
I may have forgotten to say that I care. I may have failed to open up and share, but though no words have been spoken, my promise of friendship won''t be broken.